
Jul 19, 2008 21:48

my oldest friend got married today. I've known her since the 6th grade. Even though you're not reading this, congratulations ♥
it was a gorgeous wedding. a very meredith wedding, all green and cream. I don't even know what to say about it.

On the other hand, all the people from high school i still hang out with occassionally were there, which means i can't pretend i'm not in town for the week or so that i'll be here. I am so asocial it's sad. I know once i go out, I'll have a good time, so hopefully they'll call me.

So yesterday nihongofrancais and I concocted a long overdue post for jent_fanfics. I am. a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of porn i write. shatteredinu maintains that it balances out the cute and fluff from nihongofrancais and mycroftnext.

i love it i love it i love it also, pornless.

reason for my rage. Briefly, it's about a certain national government redefining several kinds of birth control as 'abortion'.

No, wait, that's not all I have to say. Are all your wives and daughters going to go off their birth control then? Wouldn't want to be hypocrites, would we? What about those of us who are on bc for medical reasons? In addition to regulating menstrual cycles, birth control pills can also help women with unmanageable cramps (I'd like to see some of the men who wrote this memo writhing around in the fetal position for a few hours on their bathroom floor while crying and vomiting) and have also been effective in helping women with mental issues such as bipolar disorder by evening out their hormones. Not to mention the fact that, oh, it prevents unwanted pregnancies which means less state support for mothers and children in need. Are condoms going to be outlawed too? What about ovulation? When will you get it in your heads that outlawing birth control only fuels the number of abortions (and illegal ones, often)?

And, excuse me, but since when is refusing to do your job DISCRIMINATION?! Awesome, let me go and remind my boss that working is against my religion, but I'd still like to be paid. There are medical facilities out there that don't provide contraceptives or abortions (ask any girl that went to Georgetown and tried to get a birth control prescription filled at the Catholic teaching hospital on campus) go work for one of them and leave the rest of us to our own religious freedom, thank you very much.

Your religious freedom is not to have to use contraceptives or work for a medical facility that deals in them. My religious freedom is to use them as I please, especially as the alternative is a long few days of writing around in the fetal position. The pro-choice movement is about choice. You can choose not to use them. I can choose to use them.

all rant taken from wakikaki because well. it's so beautiful.

on another note, there's a ladybug (well, technically, they're polynesian beetles) graveyard between the windowpane and the screen.

If there are one or more people on your friends list who make your world a better place just because they exist, and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.

pimpin', 疲れてるけど, i am angry!, porn is my new new hobby, please let me live through this week, ♥ILU FLIST, (r-.-)r, with the random, socializing ftw

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