Jul 15, 2008 22:16

The up side to readings is that they make me do important things like the dishes. Anything to not have to do the reading.

J;KLAFJ;LKAFL;KJAFL HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO kitsune714!!! i'm sorry i missed it. I thought it was the 14th today until, well, i saw the date when posting. I hope your birthday was full of all kinds of awesome shiny ♥

Made dinner for one yesterday because stillesprite got a sandwich earlier in the day. Sadly (and mysteriously) my favourite kind of pasta sauce had decided to grow a blanket of fuzz. Luckily, the much older marinara sauce in the fridge of Jamie's was still good, so i used that instead. Cut up a chicken breast, marinated in basalmic vinegar (marinate meaning, pour over sliced chicken on the cutting board) I grilled that (or i guess pan-fried? something like that. cooked over heat) while the noodles cooked, then i dumped some shredded store-brand mozzerella into a bowl, chopsticked the noodles over top the cheese to melt it, dumped the chicken on top, added more sauce and microwaved a bit so the sauce would be warm. It was good. I haven't got the timing of the chicken v noodles down yet, so the chicken was done a long time before the noodles were, but whatever.

I feel naked with the green dot beside my name.

My laptop's warrantee has run out. For the first time in five years, for the first time ever no one will come clean up my mistakes, or do anything if some part mysteriously stops working. :(

Caught dinner with Tego today after she got off work. I was famished, because i got up, ate breakfast, and then went to school to turn in my paper. Since it was the first time i'd been in the department since exam period last term, i stopped by the mailbox to see if anything was there and picked up my approval for that japanese class. I really need to get my advisor a thank you card, or something because she really came through for me for that one.
Dinner was fun, and then we went home together because ballston is on my way. Then I called sillyandmorbid back. and yes.

pin. How to explain. Yamapi is a single dad. Jin is his son's soccer coach. there needs to be a chick flick ending NOW OK.

I had the best childhood ever. It's a wonder I survived.

food, pimpin', 疲れてるけど, nikki no baka, without the doom it's kind of disorienti, food=幸せ, my god is an awesome god, omoide, food しよう, mi familia, ♥ILU FLIST, socializing ftw, homework, the jianjian, with the random

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