dreaming away

Jun 23, 2008 23:30

the covert exchange went off very nicely, except i forgot to give annie her hairtie, despite carrying it my purse all the time.

Happy Birthday tokyostory!!!

jon stewart: you're suggesting that american sports are an excuse to have a picnic.

yesterday's yesterday, tequila (one of their cats) jumped on me when i was sitting on the couch. it was unexpected. i was holding a glass of water.i went 'kya!' and the water went. all over. it was kind of funny.

oJoe-chan: you're like a candy store for guys with weird fetishes.

I should set up a courier service or something.

stillesprite: why don't you try treating her like one of your guy friends:
oJoe-chan: We kind kind of snuggle and kiss and say I love you too. We're from California.

he starts talking, and i feel sleepy. it's a pavolovian response.

stillesprite: or maybe it will sit next to my bachelors degree where i don't know where that is.

got into dulles a little after 5 am. Got home around 7:10 (ish?), got into bed around 7:30. Slept until 1:40. And it was glorious.

stillesprite: tall people just look kind of tall.

he's raised a quarter of a billion dollars. he can afford to buy all new principles

tv, nikki is graceful like falling bricks, nikki no baka, class, 迷子to iu ka, america, annie, quotes without context, socializing ftw, sleep, posts of oblique references, commentspam gets its own tag now

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