what it takes to get from me to you

Jun 22, 2008 18:31

We went up for Annie's science bowl yesterday, but we skipped all the morning rounds (because i couldn't ask mycroftnext to drive me up so early again). We got in halfway through round 6 or 7. Watched the next three. Then a break (where we got lunch at Sonic) before double elims started. They lost the first, putting them in the loser's bracket, then lost the second. they seemed excited, though, because it meant they could go play ultimate frisbee. All in all, they came in third again for the cell cars, and then got much farther than last year in the academic bowl competition, so congratulations to them!

asinful wrote me lovely maru/kame!! j;lkfaj;lfa It's flocked, though, so zannen.

anamuan: (T_T) why are you so mean to me?
shatteredinu: Because I love you <3
shatteredinu: And I'm S. But mostly I love you.

there's enough chicken thawing in the sink to feed a small army. or at least one high school boy.

Omedetou!! to shatteredinu for earning her brown belt.

mycrofnext and I are kind of creepy together. we have the unnerving habit of saying the same thing at the same time. a lot.

shatteredinu posted the carsex!! I AM A STUBBORN HOBAG, BUT I AM A HAPPY STUBBORN HOBAG. :DDDDv
Ryo knew it was going to be a bad day when he got to work. What he didn't know was that he decided that 5 hours too early. Compared to after work, work was a day @ the onsen. After work, Pi decided Ryo needed a change in image, and needed his help. Ryo knows it's bad when he hears that, but he didn't know it was hopeless until Jin arrived, half his wardrobe in tow, to 'help'. The first twenty minutes went by without incident, if you could call being stuffed into a lion suit (twice) without incident. Ryo categorically refused to wear any of Jin's clothes because he didn't 'know where they'd been.' Really he meant Jin was a slut, or so Pi so helpfully elaborated. Jin retorted that Ryo couldn't try any of Pi's then, in case stupid was catching. The resultant argument didn't out to be the lucky break Ryo was hoping for because they noticed him trying to sneak out and decided that if he couldn't try their obviously superior clothing then a shopping trip was in order. They'd dragged him halfway through the lobby before he realized he was still wearing the lion suit. There was a frantic scuffle by the doorway--one of Ryo's paws came off, and he lost both paw-shoes while he did everything he could to keep the mane-hood on and GET BACK INSIDE. Ryo managed to get them back inside and distracted them from make-over aspirations with sex. It was hot and awesome. The end.

I think of places sometimes in terms of the kinds of mosquitos that live there. Colorado's mosquitos are big and apparently go through clothing, but they're slow, and not very sly. easy to see, easy to kill, and squish easily.

jadedfrenzy: yesterday she promised me she was closing the tab BUT I KNEW she was just saving it for later when i wasnt talking with her
it is a disease

sticky search for a string stretching between them.

overall, it's been a nice trip. i had no problems with dehydration headaches or altitude dizziness, despite running around. Running actually felt kind of nice. But Colorado is really too dry for me. Looking at the ground makes me feel dry and brittle.

edit: anyone got a link to that fic with pin having sex in the back of a car while Ryo was watching through the rearview mirror? I could have sworn it was on boobandboobs, but i can't find it.

pimpin', read at your own risk, nerdly ftw!, 迷子to iu ka, ficcage, quotes without context, food, there be no plot here, other people's awesome, i can't believe i wrote this, america, annie, bakanakoto, weather, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw, threesomes are love

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