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May 24, 2008 22:44

So i am up somewhere in MA.

in high school, i took a 'natural sciences' class. geology, astronomy, and weather. And i think it illustrates a problem with our education system. Because i can identify gypsum. I know how relatively hard it is. I know (ok, knew) what it's made of. But I didn't know it breaks down clay, so it's good for gardening. I don't know what any of that is good for; just that it is.

sillyandmorbid: and its face mostly puffed back up. :D

"May some interesting people die next year."
(a toast, to an editor for an encyclopedia who does biographies of dead people)

nihongofrancais: i always like your keysmashes.
nihongofrancais: they look pretty.
anamuan: XD thank you
anamuan: it's nice to know i have elegant keymashes
nihongofrancais: *nod*
nihongofrancais:i think it's your heavy use of j and ;
thawrecka's keymashes, on the other hand, are passionately Western European.

quotes without context, bakanakoto, teh internets = my sanity, posts of oblique references, america, mini!(r-.-)r

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