wash away the rain

May 23, 2008 16:27

mom was embarrassed by my tank top at the middle school concert last night. :D i derived an unreasonable amount of pleasure for this (because it's not even that scandalous)

Mom: it's like, 'what is wrong with you, Sue?' smack smack
yes. she actually said 'smack smack' as part of her inner monologue.

Planted a rose bush today in the backyard along the garage. Hopefully it will grow and not die, because it was looking a little sickly (which is why I planted it). Then, because dad is old, I foolishly decided to help him with his yardwork. Instead of being like 'Thank you,' he is like, 'here are some hand clippers. go do that grass over there. After that, there's a rake in the garage.' :\\
It looks better today, so that's promising.

The fictag commentspam at cynicalism's journal was much more organized. As far as I know, the fictag is contained in threads here and here

i believe that sometimes the highest form of respect is silence.

I've been getting up for the day a little after the high school gets out. This is a bit ridiculous even for me. I'm going to have to start trying to get back onto a people schedule.

We're packing sillyandmorbid to go back to school for her job today. It means the house is chaos and mom is grumpy and tense. We're trying to get it all done early, so that mom will spazz early instead of late at night. Hopefully it will work (instead of her spazzing early and then still spazzing late at night because she's used to it that way), but we've never done it before, so we don't know.

life is a collection of all the things you ever did, dreamed or dreaded, and the people you met along the way for the things they gave you.

watch me be vain, 曖昧っていいよねぇ, mi familia, quotes without context, sleep, the jianjian, with the random, teh internets = my sanity, unproductive is my tokugi

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