love me no different?

May 17, 2008 20:35

i like how boyporn and boypron are just synonyms. there are no typos.

The shower was nice, but too early for me (stayed up last night, doubly against my better judgement, reading the end of Rose Daughter). It was quite chilly, so I gave up on the whole skirt idea and just wore jeans and a nice top. I was totally pittari in terms of formality so ( Read more... )

food, watch me be vain, nikki no baka, commentfic, idiotic is my new hobby, america, annie, the pretty, mi familia, socializing ftw, with the random, sleep, posts of oblique references

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tatoeba May 18 2008, 01:04:40 UTC
there needs to be a news shower orgy called "This is the shower time."
someone get on that.
i agree very much. *_____*

mmm, naps are good~ had one today too and it felt wonderful. ♥


anamuan May 18 2008, 01:25:31 UTC
so, you'll do it? :D?

it's just that so much day disappears with a nap.


tatoeba May 18 2008, 01:27:01 UTC
;alskdjf did i say that? :\

that is so true, unfortunately.


anamuan May 18 2008, 01:34:26 UTC
no, you didn't. i was hoping you wouldn't have noticed and would have just agreed blindly. don't mind me, btw. I just enjoy trying to bully people. it's not about the fic, so feel no pressure

which is why i stay up half the night, and then. yes. Well. generally while at home I'm mostly nocturnal.


tatoeba May 18 2008, 01:42:18 UTC
lol fortunately for me i am not that blind. XD if i had the mental capacity to write an orgy i would do so, but alas, i am not there yet. :\\

i become noctural at home too, much to the irritation of my entire family.


anamuan May 18 2008, 01:46:41 UTC
not blind. i was hoping you'd, you know. forget.
but yeah, i know. me too. TOO MANY LIMBS. also, just getting 3 orgasms in is exhausting. idek what to do about six.

lol. everyone but my dad is nocturnal with me, if there's no school. it's kind of sad. actually, i stay up a lot later at home than at school because i try to outlast my mother. it seldom works. =__=;


tatoeba May 18 2008, 01:53:46 UTC
my thoughts exactly. i could get so far as writing three of them, but then wouldn't know how to add in the other three. for now it's best for my mentality to stay away from orgies and stick to writing normal smut. :D or as normal as smut can be in this fandom. :D

lol. and wow. my family is all early risers, early sleepers. i'm completely the opposite, but it works for me somehow.


anamuan May 18 2008, 01:56:58 UTC
it's just that porn is so much work.
i like that you have to qualify that. i also like what counts as 'normal' in this fandom. it's interesting how conscious we are of it, and also how the medium and the space and the context make it well, normal.

at least you get in your alone time? even if people probably hassle you about sleeping in.


tatoeba May 18 2008, 02:12:47 UTC
it really is. that's the only thing that's keeping me from finishing the fic i'm currently working on. :\
and lol. it is really interesting. like once you join this fandom, that's the "normal" you expect immediately.

that is true~


anamuan May 18 2008, 02:23:54 UTC
i think a lot of fandoms are that way. the things you can get away with fandom, that you wouldn't really even consider irl. i need to read that thesis over the summer.


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