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tinyangl May 13 2008, 18:38:25 UTC
EEE yay on grades! :DDD I am loving how much comment!fic you're getting too. *______________* it makes for very good reads.

oooh. i'm gonna go play the games. :DDD



gingifere May 13 2008, 18:51:59 UTC
Stepping into say that THANK GOD. I thought it was my computer just being spastic.

...or it could be she did that on purpose so that everyone can see the beautiful union that could be Rhey and Kame *ponders*


tinyangl May 13 2008, 18:54:49 UTC
It has to be the second! I mean, everyone needs to know just how OTP Rhey and Kame are. It's such a sad fact that she just no longer has those icons that showed her overwhelming love for him!


gingifere May 13 2008, 18:58:34 UTC
i seriously want someone to write a long fic about rhey and kame. with reactions of their relationship from the other members. Possibly with a little bit of Kokamerhey thrown in...


tinyangl May 13 2008, 19:03:42 UTC
"Guys, Rhey is now my girlfriend," Kame announces extravagantly.

Jin blinks in confusion. "But she wastes paper cups. I thought that was a taboo for you."

Kame gasps, throwing Rhey a look of horror. She, at least, had the decency to look mildly guilty.

a;skdfjalkj ahaahahahahahha!! I don't really know. (Kokamerhey! :D Well, she does want to take the love train with him.:DDD)


gingifere May 13 2008, 19:15:00 UTC
Um by Kame destroying their relationship I meant Jin. ajssjj


tinyangl May 13 2008, 19:18:02 UTC
ahahaha i got that, but it was really confusing at first.


gingifere May 13 2008, 19:22:15 UTC
oh how i wish i could edit comments :(


tinyangl May 13 2008, 19:30:11 UTC
*pat pats* it's a helpful little feature from time to time... XP Only from time to time. I swear you're not missing out. totally not lying through my teeth.


gingifere May 13 2008, 19:41:46 UTC
seriously, my english is so awful sometimes. It doesn't help that this computer doesn't underline my spelling mistakes like my laptop does :(



anamuan May 14 2008, 01:29:35 UTC
i often have that problem.


ugh my grammer gingifere May 13 2008, 19:16:38 UTC
kasjajdjadjs. Their love destroyed by a thoughtless comment from Kame. :(

Koki is suspicious of Rhey at first; she spends too much time verbally sparring with Ryo and laughing at Jin when he challenges Yamapi to stupid competitions like seeing who can do the most hiprolls in a minute.

But when she moves to sit next to him and Kame who is peacefully watching Ueda attempt to teach Yuya how to box, sliding her hand through his and turns to Koki with a thoughtful smile, he can't help but smile back.

He's halfway through putting his drink on the table to shake her hand when her next question makes him drop his can of beer in shock.

"Koki-san. How do you feel about a threesome?"


Re: ugh my grammer tinyangl May 13 2008, 19:28:57 UTC
*laughs madly* Oh poor Koki. :DDDD ...And staring at Nikki's current music selection may have influenced this one. XPPP Except not. i lie too much. also i rarely write kame, so OOC up the wazoo. XP

Koki thinks it's a dangerous thing when after Koki stammers out his decline for a threesome (yes, it sounded like a really good idea when she had first said it, but Koki worries about what the hell this means), Rhey's immediate reaction is to ask Koki if he'd just want to sleep with Kame alone then.

He doesn't realize that his mouth is wide open until Rhey lightly snickers. "Is that a yes?"

He's still scrambling for something to say when Rhey turns to Kame and goes, "Kazu-chan's okay with it, isn't he?"

Koki wasn't sure what he expected, but Kame's nonchalant shrug and nod was not it.


Re: ugh my grammer gingifere May 13 2008, 19:39:51 UTC
rofl. oh koki.

Koki splutters and he knows he's staring but he can't help it. He admits that sometimes he's wondered what it would be like to really kiss Kame, more than the silly little pecks they do during Dream Boys or for fan service, but they're never more than a day dream, a secret pondering that he'd never tell another living soul about.

But now Rhey is offering him a chance to really see what it would be like to kiss Kame, to really touch him without cameras and fangirls analysing their every move. He supposes it also helps that Rhey's gorgeous and willing.

He's dimly aware that he's nodding slightly, and that Rhey is smiling, slow and satisfied. But what he's really focused on is Kame watching him, eyes half lidded, mouth curving upwards slightly, of him placing a hand under the crook of his elbow and guiding him out of the room, Rhey already at the door.

It's with something like horror that he realises he's just agreed to sleep with his best friend and his girlfriend.


Re: ugh my grammer tinyangl May 13 2008, 20:06:49 UTC
I feel for Koki. I swear I do. (How far are we taking this? lolol)

Her first suggestion when they enter an empty room is that she just watch, and Kame can ease Koki into it. Koki's not sure he wants to hear exactly what Rhey means by "it," but even if he wants to ask, Kame's hand is on his cheek and softly caressing it, something that's far too intimate that it scares Koki completely.

"I don-" Koki starts, but Kame's shushing him softly, before leaning forward. Vaguely, as Kame's lips slide against his, Koki can hear Rhey settling into a chair somewhere in the background. Kame's thumb still caresses his cheek, tracing small circles there.

Koki has no real idea what he's doing here, his hands slack at his sides, and Kame chuckles as he pulls away.

"You think too much, Koki. Relax." Kame leans in again, but this time, Koki lets him take the lead, and stops thinking.


Can you tell I a. dislike dialogue and b. don't know rhey as well as you ajjsjsa gingifere May 13 2008, 20:41:50 UTC
yeah he's about to have a hot threesome. his life is hard (omg i have no idea. maybe kissing and then an awkward morning after? ajsjas lolol ( ... )


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