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Can you tell I a. dislike dialogue and b. don't know rhey as well as you ajjsjsa gingifere May 13 2008, 20:41:50 UTC
yeah he's about to have a hot threesome. his life is hard (omg i have no idea. maybe kissing and then an awkward morning after? ajsjas lolol)

He can feel Kame sliding a hand down his back, the other sliding up to cup his chin. Koki sighs and Kame takes the opportunity to slide his tongue into his mouth, stroking softly against his tongue and swallowing his soft sigh.

He feels rather than see's Kame smile against his mouth and it's only when Kame tenses and arches suddenly against him, a soft murmur leaving his mouth that Koki looks over his shoulder and sees Rhey lazily running a possessive hand up under Kame's shirt, mouth pressed against the curve of his ear, eyes bright on Koki's face.

"I was starting to feel left out," she says quietly and Koki feels his breath hitch as he watches Kame lean back slightly and kiss her softly.

"Well, we can't have that now, can we?" he says and guides Rhey so that her back's pressed up against Kame.

She smiles, satisfied and leans forward until her lips are centimetres from Koki's.

"Now would be a really good time to kiss me."


Re: Can you tell I a. dislike dialogue and b. don't know rhey as well as you ajjsjsa tinyangl May 13 2008, 20:52:39 UTC
asdkfja;lskdfj i can not continue after this.a sd;fkajsldkfj I feel this is traveling down very weird paths. And I FEEL SO CREEP.


Re: Can you tell I a. dislike dialogue and b. don't know rhey as well as you ajjsjsa gingifere May 13 2008, 20:54:31 UTC
kaaka i feel like i should back away and hide for a while now. GONNA GO FIND SOME KOKAME TO MAKE MYSELF FEEL LESS CREEPY O___O


Re: Can you tell I a. dislike dialogue and b. don't know rhey as well as you ajjsjsa tinyangl May 13 2008, 20:58:38 UTC
ahahah!! I'm going to go... um. I have no options except my own LJ, so I'll do that. XP


Re: Can you tell I a. dislike dialogue and b. don't know rhey as well as you ajjsjsa gingifere May 13 2008, 21:04:17 UTC
LOL. that's probably the saftest place to be (or it is until rhey gets online!!)


Re: Can you tell I a. dislike dialogue and b. don't know rhey as well as you ajjsjsa tinyangl May 13 2008, 21:05:48 UTC
LOL you know, probably not, considering how she used to park herself in my journal as much as she does Nikki's. XPPPP


Re: Can you tell I a. dislike dialogue and b. don't know rhey as well as you ajjsjsa gingifere May 13 2008, 21:08:49 UTC
I figure we should probably come up with an excuse for writing the above. I'm blaming the 30 degree weather we've had for the past two weeks. I'm not used to so much sun. It's addled my brain :|


4_03_am May 13 2008, 23:29:41 UTC

i thought we were friends. :( friends don't write about friends slipping their hands inside kame's shirt. or about kissing kame.

THE HORROR. *weeps*


gingifere May 14 2008, 13:21:02 UTC
Secretly you enjoyed it. Really, really deep down you were thinking 'yesss. My fantasies are becoming real!'

I'd slip my hands under Kame's shirt and kiss him if he wanted me to :(


4_03_am May 14 2008, 14:08:13 UTC
well, i won't lie and say i didn't like the koki/kame bits. :|

:|:| :| :| only because i know how much you actually like him i am not taking this as an offense. you'd have to like me quite a bit, too, to stick me in the middle of one of your favorite pairings. or just with your favorite idol, in general. so, :))


gingifere May 14 2008, 16:20:45 UTC
God kokame. One day I will organise a Kokame drabble meme on jokame O___O

ajahas well yes. I mean I trust my poor Kame with you so yeah I do suppose I like you a lot :D


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