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tinyangl May 9 2008, 15:39:55 UTC
For some reason, I took the breaking of crystal balls to bring back life to the people around them. Because the people are all static before the guys break the balls and suddenly they're all moving again. And the lady is the one who is doing this to people. I'm not sure why, but yeah. I say lady because I may be using that idea for that fic that you pimped again. XPPP


anamuan May 9 2008, 15:49:01 UTC
yeah, but they're not always static. Sometimes they're just kind of creepily absorbed. also, did you notice that only some of the balls glow? why them and not the others? it doesn't seem to make a difference in behavior.

I'm also confused by the ball in (Kame? Koki? I'm going through people who normally wear nailpolish) whoever's hand at the beginning. why is it there. or maybe it's supposed to be the person with the white hair's hand?
it can be a lady.


4_03_am May 9 2008, 15:52:21 UTC
thought the same. although, in my head, the lady in white is like, you know, fate. controlling people, and stuff. and like, you go along with everything fate throws at you, and sometimes the hurdles are too difficult to jump over, so you find your self just wanting to stop, and give up. but that's when kat-tun step in, and with their bad singing (the chorus at least, it sounds like shouting to me) and inspirational dance routine, they convince you to never stop, and take your life in your own hands, break out of fate's chains, and move. kat-tun, my heroes, saving lives from the evil clutches of fate, one warehouse-turned-club at a time.


anamuan May 9 2008, 15:53:50 UTC
ok, i take it back. rhey, ilu never leave.


4_03_am May 9 2008, 15:56:17 UTC

it pleases me that you appreciate my bs.


anamuan May 9 2008, 16:02:50 UTC
how could i not?


4_03_am May 9 2008, 16:15:06 UTC
i don't. most people shouldn't.


anamuan May 9 2008, 16:16:14 UTC
D: but. but bs is an artform!


anamuan May 9 2008, 16:08:25 UTC
i seriously just typed 'rhey' into my paper instead of 'reyes' :\\\\\


4_03_am May 9 2008, 16:14:48 UTC
hampster, baby.


anamuan May 9 2008, 16:16:45 UTC
i don't have any 'fuck you' icons. but if i had one, that is what this comment would consist of.


4_03_am May 9 2008, 16:18:21 UTC
tinyangl May 9 2008, 15:56:49 UTC
oooh very nice rhey! do point that out tmr. sounds absolutely fabulous. :D


4_03_am May 9 2008, 16:15:43 UTC
ooh, we're talking about the pv tomorrow, i see. it completely slipped my mind with all the kwp panic. WHICH I HAVE YET TO BEGIN WATCHING. woes.


tinyangl May 9 2008, 16:52:57 UTC
Start watchinggggggggg. YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH.


ginzarhapsody May 9 2008, 19:22:04 UTC
YOU MEAN THE SONG WASN'T ABOUT SEX?!?! adg;lkjdfhglkahgkl

DON'T BREAK MY DREAMS RHEY. D:::::::::::::::::


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