flights of fancy

May 09, 2008 10:40

so. this and this. eta: also this. more pv-based kat-tun fantasy. tinyangl owns stock on my internal organs.
also, silly nakamaru/koyama fic by mycroftnext. in case you didn't see it yesterday.

i look comparatively asian today.

yesterday tego and krisztina went apartment hunting in ballston, so they hopped the 25 and came to meet me for dinner. We went to olive garden. and talked about crazy family members. and told jokes. i made kristina tell me the one about the dominican, the benedictan and the jesuit golfing. i love that joke.

....rhey, ihu.

i would be a much, much happier fangirl if Koki stopped trying to grow things on his face. on the other hand, Jin=hot beyond words. nakamaru has a shiny heart on his back and i ♥ it. kame...needs to go buy real pants. ueda--ok, i'm only saying this once--ueda looks very nice in his glasses. i like his haircut with the glasses. i'm not as fond without. I am in love with the dance. sillyandmorbid, your task for the summer is to learn this dance and teach it to 5 friends. You can sneak it into the microbio workshop schedule! "8-10, mess with cells. 10:15-12:15, learn choreography. 12:15-1, lunch" NO ONE WOULD NOTICE.
so anyway. yes. pleased. very pleased. Even if i still really have no clue what's supposed to be going on.

i have organizational issues.

i'm out of bread, so I'm going to eat rice for breakfast, probably with raw egg in, but maybe not. i'm going to think long and hard about my eggs first. also i'm bad about slimy things in the morning.

food, pimpin', someone just shoot me kthxbai, 曖昧っていいよねぇ, quotes without context, why aren't you kidding?, the pretty, homework, the jianjian, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi

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