anata ni aisareta, ano hi kara

Apr 11, 2008 21:09

The weather was so nice today. I've had my window open all day. It's still warm out now. God, i love it ( Read more... )

food, nikki no baka, commentfic, 迷子to iu ka, the pretty, weather, homework, school

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Comments 28

Holy wow, another entry! mycroftnext April 12 2008, 01:42:08 UTC
We had snow and wind all day.

They thought I was allergic to dust when I was younger. Not that that helps your situation at all. Do you have any hydrocortisone cream to put on your hands? That ought to help.

Okonomiyaki is a great idea. I made hamburgers for dinner. And barbequed them, despite the weather. Parts of me are still Californian to the core.

Way to make lemonade out of that lemon. Letters are so happy desu.

Only Massu can do black on black plaid. Good grief.


Re: Holy wow, another entry! anamuan April 12 2008, 01:49:14 UTC
i don't suppose you can get on gmail

My hands actually, don't itch at all, because it only seems to be a problem if it gets into a break in the skin. So because it's under my nails, if I scratch my arm or something, the scratch will puff up in pretty red lines. But they gave me zyrtec when i finally went to the dermatologist to see why i was puffing in red lines all the time even though the refused to do any tests to see what it might be that was causing it. Instead they insisted that they 'control the reaction' first and then come back later and maybe they'd think about looking for a cause (ie, don't hold your breath)Darling, i love you. bbq in the snow. snow adds flavor yo ( ... )


mycroftnext April 12 2008, 15:20:17 UTC
I'm glad your hands don't itch. I think that hydrocortisone also helps with inflammation? So I was thinking that might help the appearance if nothing else. But if you're already taking Zyrtec, then it might be redundant.

I'm split about when doctors do that. Sometimes, when it's really bad pain, I just want them to fix it, I don't care how. But most times, if they just kind of prance around and just do quick fixes even when it's not that bad, and then they expect you to come back to yet one more specialist in 5-6 weeks, I just get angry because it's so unnecessary.

"snow adds flavor yo."
This is my great cooking secret. Use it well grasshopper.

Woohoo! I'm impressed with how many letters you seem to have written in such a brief space of time! Way to be.
Wait, you mean you're kind of vaguely in shape? What happened to our "pear is a shape to be in" club?


anamuan April 12 2008, 16:05:44 UTC
well the part that bothered me was that they didn't even really want me to come back later to figure out what the cause was. They were kind of like *push meds on her and she will go away* while i was like "dude, the itchy red lines go away eventually, i can deal (since it took me months to get around to going anyway). TELL ME WHY I HAVE ITCHY RED LINES."
on the way out the nurse told me to google it. :\\\

i plan to never use snowflavor if i can help it. Like all great seasonings, it's just too hard to acquire.

i didn't say they were long. or even letters. The one i sent to Jennie consisted primarily of condoms and stickers.
besides. your letter-writing um. skills. are special.


pixisticks April 12 2008, 02:09:35 UTC

You remind me, I have to send another tegami too. :o


anamuan April 12 2008, 02:16:04 UTC
i'm talented dakara.

yay! tegami~


pixisticks April 12 2008, 02:19:17 UTC
Hanashisugi yo. *flops*

Nande watashi wa onna no ko kana...


anamuan April 12 2008, 02:32:05 UTC
hanashisuganai yo. *squished*

Y chromosome ga morawanakatta kara.


sillyandmorbid April 12 2008, 02:50:35 UTC
you misspelled " 'splody". i couldn't figure out what you meant at first.


anamuan April 12 2008, 03:01:06 UTC
thank you. god i fail so hard.


I wrote more short drabble. Present for you~ sillyandmorbid April 12 2008, 05:38:49 UTC
We met at work. In the hall. Eyes meet, neurons fired, end. Except it wasn’t the end. A few days later, I caught your eyes on me through the door during practice. One week, it was our first, rushed, furtive kiss. Another two, and I was thrusting up into you; both of us trying to keep quiet in that tiny bathroom stall. I know; I move fast.

It’s been a month. One of my band mates tells a story about a Kato Shigeaki. I rack my brain. I know I’ve heard the name, but I can’t put a face to it. Not until after practice, that is. We were going to dinner, so I stopped by your dressing room. Yamashita-kun called you “Shige”; I didn’t know you had a name.


4_03_am April 12 2008, 02:53:13 UTC
I am still listening to that song. ;_; Have been all day.

Did you notice Tego's got a fake tie?


anamuan April 12 2008, 03:02:02 UTC
me too. ;_; i think it's going to last all week.

jkl;afjlkfa I HADN'T!! i was distracted by massu's pants. I'm used to being distracted by his pants, see, because usually they're so loud you can't look away.


anamuan April 12 2008, 03:02:21 UTC
i had to go look at it to see what you meant, btw. it involved actually standing up.


4_03_am April 12 2008, 03:10:34 UTC
sry. :\ i understand lack of willingness to move. i'm so lazy i won't even change my icon.

i am hoping to be able to change this song by tomorrow morning. :(


therelic April 12 2008, 03:28:57 UTC
Not that it's relevant but I don't think I should introduce you to a friend of the friend. If he found out you not only liked but also made okonomiyaki, I think he would not stop proposing to you. Which would be fine if you did like him and all but rather annoying if you did not.


anamuan April 12 2008, 03:38:01 UTC
hahahaha. i'm not sure i could like him the first time we met, so. it might be inconvenient. There's always the benefit of not telling him until i've decided i like him XD


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