
Apr 11, 2008 12:23

nihongofrancais wrote Yamapi comes back from Korea Koyamapi ficrecently, i've started getting on AIM again. I hate the faces so much. I can't even begin to tell you. SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO TURN THEM OFF. i want to be able to say :D again without an ugly yellow animated head popping up. if i wanted actual pictures, i'd put in actual pictures, kthx ( Read more... )

pimpin', wtf, nikki no baka, mini!(r-.-)r, lx or bastardizations thereof, quotes without context, mi familia, teh internets > my sanity, dream, sleep, with the random, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now

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mycroftnext April 11 2008, 17:20:54 UTC
The Nikki has arrived!

Entertain me please. :Dv

And yes, HaLf CaPs WrItInG is the most ridiculous thing ever. Which is why that is the first (and last) time I've ever attempted it.


anamuan April 11 2008, 17:22:10 UTC



anamuan April 11 2008, 17:22:27 UTC
do you want links to last friends even though there are no subtitles?


mycroftnext April 11 2008, 17:24:31 UTC
Ehhh, pass. Much fun though it is to try and guess what's going on, Last Friends seems like I would need subs to be able to even have a clue how everyone is related to each other.

Btw, I love the new user!pic. It makes me want to go out with him late one night in New York. Not that I don't often have that reaction, but still...moreso.


anamuan April 11 2008, 17:29:19 UTC
because you're such a party animal.


mycroftnext April 11 2008, 17:34:50 UTC

My parents are gone to Wyoming for a training thing. I'm the adult in charge. If you see a small mushroom cloud originating from the west, you'll know what happened.


anamuan April 11 2008, 17:36:01 UTC
i think you should do like every good american an do a pre-emptive attack. You know there's going to be trouble. Might as well get it over with.


mycroftnext April 11 2008, 17:39:23 UTC
Preemptive on who(m)? I prefer to wait and see how truth ends up stranger than fiction.

Fiction! I got those books you mentioned: Tatterhood and Robin McKinley's retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and I really liked them! They made me happy, and now I think that I might have to get the BatB one for Joie, since she loves all things BatB and collects various tellings of it. Yeah, sometimes it's pretty clear we're related.

So, fic shiritori! How many have signed up so far?


anamuan April 11 2008, 17:46:46 UTC
pre-emptive on Moose. (your other sibs aren't home yet, are they?)

you are such dorks. i♥u
But I'm glad you liked them! Not that i'm surprised. The one about sisters who ate onions was kind of sad. I like the one with the Hedley Kow a lot.

daremo nai yo. ;_; though some people expressed interest on my journal. :\\


mycroftnext April 11 2008, 18:01:02 UTC
Not yet. *resists the temptation to add 'thank heaven' because it's only mildly true ( ... )


anamuan April 11 2008, 18:18:59 UTC
*huggles anyway*

well, i'm not sure it's dumb, exactly. marriage in my mind isn't necessarily all that awesome, especially if your husband really does kick you out over onions. On the other hand, maybe they were some mighty fine onions.
In conclusion, at least they got to be stars.
yes, pronounced koo. XD
The one with the hare the devil is hunting and the old woman who tricks him, though, that one always kind of creeped me out.
And of course Tatterhood. I liked that a lot. There is the lopping off of heads!

You don't have to read the fic before if you don't want. They probably wouldn't be having sex in the middle of the last paragraph, you know.

Isn't it adorable?


mycroftnext April 11 2008, 18:30:54 UTC
aww, thanks

True, they did get to be stars. Definitely a plus.
The picture on that one was creepy! The headless horse? Ew.
Naturally, Tatterhood is a given.

It's supposed to be a round robin though. It's kind of hard to build off a fic if you've never read the previous. (yes, I know, it need not have anything to do with the previous one, but still) And about the last paragraph, your example was a little...well, I wouldn't feel comfortable writing a fic based on that, and I don't want to cause problems for you and others, so I would probably just enjoy the fruits of others labo(u)rs, as usual.

It is! Koyama wants to huggle everyone, and we all want to huggle him. XD

That cat video you sent me is the most concentrated amount of cute I may have ever seen. I literally could not help verbally 'aww'ing at it. So naturally I sent it to my family, and they loved it too.


anamuan April 11 2008, 18:53:05 UTC
maybe that's why i didn't like it. I don't remember a picture now, but that doesn't meant that's not what gave me unhappy feelings.
the queen was kind of useless though.

it's not really a round robin. It's shiritori. The stuff before the bit you take don't matter, just the last syllable. And you can't end in ん.
the example was because it was a convenient fic (towards the top, i wrote it), and was open-ended.
I meh at you. it's a very emphatic meh.

member ai~



mycroftnext April 11 2008, 20:00:21 UTC
The queen was pretty useless. Here, magic witch gives you special flowers and says specifically, "Don't eat this one!" and then you think "What could possibly go wrong if I eat this one?" Clearly not a master logician.

Oh! Is that what a shiritori is! I've only ever seen you use it and in association with round robin, so I thought they were entirely synonymous. Well, in that case, I might do it. How about this, I sign up for the trial, and we'll see how it goes. Now all you need is the trial sign-up post up! Or are you not planning on doing a trial sign-up post?
See what emphatic meh's can do? Use them with care, yo.

Or just general Koyamai.

DESHOU!!!!!! I think I even teared up at one point just because of the concentrated cute! It was fluffy! I want that in...well, at the top of my fuzzy pile, yo.


anamuan April 11 2008, 20:52:03 UTC
are then non-magic witches?

shiritori is a japanese word game, so i kind of assumed that people would know what i meant.
well, i'd envisioned that post being the sign up for the practice session, but apparently i didn't express that part clearly. So then I thought, I would do a sign-up for the trial run, but then, everyone is crazy busy these days, and i know i am too, so then i wasn't sure if i should go through with it after all.
join the comm Please sign up!

koyamai. you know. they shouldn't let you anywhere near language.

i know~ i'm not really a pet person because i'm lazy, but omg. i never wanted a kitty so bad in my life.

have you listened to Prisoner of Love yet? youtube link to the intro of the show. I really like how it's done. it's gorgeous. and touching. and makes me want to meta. which i thought i'd never want to do again.


mycroftnext April 11 2008, 22:21:52 UTC
Well, there are the gals who are called witches but just like to live alone in the forest without lots of people bugging them... (but I thought of that too, and then I thought, nah, I'll leave it. Silly me.)

Never assume. It has bad consequences. Shiritori reminds me of that game where you say a place name, then the next person has to say a place name beginning with the last letter of the previous answer.
I think you should. Maybe make the time periods shorter and the word count short. (Like 3 days and 500 words, or something like that. Just enough to get a feel for it.) And yes, I will sign up. Because I love you that much.

you know. they shouldn't let you anywhere near language.hahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ( ... )


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