rain or shine

Apr 05, 2008 00:30

right now, apparently, the answer is 'rain.' It's the first trip i remember ever making to atlanta, and. while i'm sure it's not this way usually, right now, it is a very grey city. It's really pretty actually. This morning, there was so much fog, starting about halfway up all the tall hotels in this part of town, and the pavement is grey, and the fog is grey, and it was kind of chilly. it just felt grey. but in all of this cold and grey, the leaves on the trees are starting come out and they're just at that stage where the buds start to look like real leaves, and they're this vivid, defiant green. I've got no other way to describe it. it's like a big middle finger to the weather or something, this green.

my hotel room is really cold. the heat does not seem to work, because all it blows out is cold air. ;_;
yatta! somehow, magically, the heater now gives off warm air.

dad totally gave me a heart attack earlier today, when he stuck a magnet on my computer. In his defense, he didn't know it was a magnet at that point. But he was trying to find out. wtf. why the hell would try to figure it out by potentially wiping out my harddrive?
luckily, he'd stuck it on the side that's my battery instead.

went to a couple of panels today. the one on vernacular in literature was mostly interesting. it was pan-asian, so most of the papers weren't anything i knew anything about, so. learning experience. the one on Japanese sounded like she had some interesting ideas, but, in typical academic fashion, took her good long time getting to them and ended up cramming them at the end when the moderator told her her time was up.
The one on Chinese was decently interesting but massively hard to hear. THey weren't mic-ed, and she had a very soft (lkjafljkf i nearly said 'small') voice. The one on Vietnamese was really interesting, actually. There was a funny bit at the beginning of the thing (we got to a late start), because one of the panelists had misplaced his glasses. When it got to be his term, he--still glassesless--mentioned that he was unable to read the paper which might be a good thing for us, but please put up with him since he'd be going entirely by memory. As he's saying this, a guy who'd come in a little late and sat at the back piped up "are these your glasses?" and points to a pair of glasses sitting over by the table with the cups and water. XD they were.
The korean paper was totally boring, not probably because of the subject matter but because of the presenation. The ones that were less interesting in, I wrote porn. :Dv

Yesterday dad didn't see the toothpick in his sandwich and stabbed himself in the chin with it. Halfway through dinner, i was like D: WHY ARE YOU BLEEDING.
Today, he walked into the side of the revolving door--like, he thought we'd got to the opening already and we totally hadn't. It's really cruel of me, but damn that was funny. I am snickering thinking about it now. XDDDD

The second panel I went to had 3 presenters. It was essentially a discussion on how to help students be able to take greater advantage of study abroad situations. The first study was really interesting, as was the last. I confess I fell asleep sometime during the second. ^^;;;;; i'm really embarrassed about it. It was like one minute, I'm watching this blonde woman drone on about 'listening effectively,' and the next thing i know it's sometime into this man's talk about how teaching should be more like coaching, and students aren't students, they're training to 'play' later, and there are (or can be) serious life consequences for not learning the rules.
There was a little kid sitting next to me there, so i couldn't porn to stay awake. ;_;

got my free tote bag this morning. it's full of paper. recycle~reduce~reuse wa. And I got my free drink at the reception tonight, and enjoyed the foodstuffs they had out (even if they were just snacks. crackers, and fruit, and yoghurt with honey in), and made awkward small talk. It's really not as much fun being at an academic conference when all you can really think is 'let me off this train kthnxbai' and they're all obviously staying on the train and mostly enjoying the ride.

ummmm. oh! i can't believe i forgot to say, but. I had pears for lunch! Technically, they were dessert, but. That's what i ate in place of lunch, so, lunch it is. They were two poached pears (which i still maintain means they went out an hunted endangered pears illegally), with vanilla icecream and walnuts on top. They were kind of difficult to eat, really, because they were like. whole pears. And there are parts of pears you don't eat, like seeds, and stems and stuff, and these parts were all still attached. But! They were also very very tasty.
For dinner, dad insisted that I eat quote unquote 'real food' (because last night for dinner I had a massive slice of chocolate cake. what. don't look at me like that, it's a good dinner).

food, wtf, nerdly ftw!, america, japanese, lx or bastardizations thereof, why aren't you kidding?, bakanakoto, please let me live through this week, weather, teh internets = my sanity, chinese

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