Lissa: Sorry. welcome to theoretical.

Apr 02, 2008 19:32

there were a number of things i'd planned to post about yesterday, and then got sidetracked.

chief among them, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, tinyangl!!!!! i did remember to wish her happy birthday, but not to announce it to the world, so. *announces it to the world*

my roommate and her boyfriend are going to get into a knock-down, drag-out fistfight. Over h-deletion.

i spent most of yesterday and parts of today, brushing the bump on my forehead and going DDDDDDD: WHY DO I HURT. and then i remembered that i hit my head, and it's kind of like '...oh. yeah.'

Tego: wedding stripping!
Tego: new tradition!

fic pimp!

i wish i were clever enough to come up with a really good april's fool joke, but alas, i am not.


I'm really not liking this gone thursday-sunday thing. i am glad it will stop being a pattern after this week. or at least, it better.
I like to travel, but really, at heart, i'm a homebody. I like the excitement of going somewhere new, and wandering around, and getting lost, and seeing new things and meeting new people. i used to love airports too, but lately the whole industry in the US has kind of robbed me of that. which makes me hate them even more. WHY DID YOU TAKE MY JOY AWAY. um. /offsubject But, i also like to stay at home and roll around doing nothing. it's very relaxing, and honestly, i wouldn't mind doing that every weekend. There are so many things that are just fun, like sitting in the sunshine, or walking up the hill behind my apartment, or hopping over to the jidouhanbaiki that sells the peach drink i like, or meeting up with friends for lunch and doing nothing in particular. like. idk. it's very nice. I think i just need a lot of time to recharge.

Lissa said a lot of fun things today.
♥If I didn't get it in 5 minutes, it's hard. That's how I define things.
♥ I mean, you're always making stuff up, but you don't want to make too much up.
♥ you don't have to be that second person (the kind who looks at massive amounts of data & just kind of nantonaku knowing what it is)
♥ Clark Kent is an allaphone of superman. His natural environment is up in the sky.

i've realized that i've moved from saying that i like lines to saying that they're good lines. Of course i still do both, but i do the latter a lot more than i used to.
It's been a semi!conscious effort because making an objective evaluation (good) is more 'powerful' than making a subjective judgment (i like this).
on the other hand, Lakoff pointed out that women have the difficult task of striking a balance between being 'people' and being 'women.' :\

sillyandmorbid: and if it had actually been a raging inferno, we all would have died.

I love phonology. a lot. and I'm only just realizing that's not the norm. *blink* Maria was awesome, and our class was awesome. the end.

for lunch i had poundcake i found in the lx dept. it was good! and free! aaand apparently a couple days old. But! it was still totally good. it must have been very very moist when they put it out.
then i had fries from wisey's with jinsook. hirono skipped out on us.

student: it' your description.
rob: *dramatic realization accompanied by blushing* yes. yes, it is. I knew that. *shifty eyes* I was testing if you could read.
rob, btw, is going to amsterdam this weekend. for a conference :\

So today, i got to school a little early and so since i was early, i got lj to reply comments. And my school-blog intersection nightmare happened. Someone i knew came up to talk to me. But it was actually really funny, because Jinsook came up and it's early and there are classes, so he gets close and then hisses 'Nikki' at me to get my attention. I was pre-occupied and didn't see him coming at all, so when he said 'Nikki,' i like. died. I kind of squeeked 'bikkuri shita!' in an embarrassingly high voice, and literally fell down. I was on the ground, holding my heart mumbling 'bikkuri bikkuri' while Jinsook half-laughed and half-apologized to me. :\

My second interview went very well. she liked talking more, and i think i got a slightly less noisy room, so. yay! interviews done! Now, to get the rest of the homework done for monday. T_T

hi, flist. have i told you lately that i really am very fond of you people? if not, then i really am very fond of you people. you seriously make my days shiny. I hope you're all doing well and getting even better. i want lots and lots of good things for you all. love isn't expressed often enough.

other people's awesome, food, nikki is graceful like falling bricks, nikki no baka, class, nerdly ftw!, 迷子to iu ka, ficcage, lx or bastardizations thereof, quotes without context, ♥ILU FLIST, homework, with the random

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