post of oblique references

Mar 28, 2008 23:21

some of these, i'm not sure i'll even remember all of the context. but. really, who needs context? :DDDDv

nihongofrancais: I love that dress on Ueda.

nihongofrancais: I think i'd be having seizures if I was at the con. It would be awesome.

we had momo for dinner. IT IS REALLY GOOD. We all made it together. ♥ so good.
;jklafjlk;af i don't remember all the spices that go in now T_T

nihongofrancais: if every genius wrote awesome slashfic the world would be a better place.

jadedfrenzy: you need a keeper, i swear

anamuan: I have better things to do with my life.

according to nihongofrancais's dad, Koyama has TB.

we had a lot of koyamapi moments.
"If they're your germs..."

At the dinner table.
nihongofrancais: NICE COCK.
anamuan: *dying*
anamuan: *dying*
nihongofrancais's mom: *talks about chickens*
anamuan: *still dying*
   now my head hurts from lack of air

anamuan: koe dekai.

nihongofrancais: Shige, you whore.

nihongofrancais: DV MAN! WOOH!

in other news, I really just don't get Jin's sense of humor. Academically, i can be like, 'oh, that's a joke,' but really, most of me is going '*blink*'

and I got to talk to watashi no daiji na katrinastrifehan on the phone :Dv yay.

food, watch me be vain, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, idiotic is my new hobby, japanese, quotes without context, the pretty, bakanakoto, ♥ILU FLIST, teh internets = my sanity, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now, i don't even know what to call this tag

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