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4_03_am March 24 2008, 20:12:47 UTC
hmm, okay, this is not articulate at all but, my thoughts on "it isn't until" versus "it's not until" is as follows:

it isn't over until he's defeated. <--- negation on IT.
it's not over until he's defeated. <--- negation on OVER.


anamuan March 24 2008, 20:16:53 UTC
oo! interesting! I almost started drawing syntax trees, and then i remembered why i hated syntax.


4_03_am March 24 2008, 20:18:51 UTC
i hope you get a proper reply on this because i really want to know. :(


anamuan March 24 2008, 20:22:33 UTC
In the meantime, you should think of a title for me.


4_03_am March 24 2008, 20:30:38 UTC
your thesis? how should i be able to come up with one if i haven't even read your paper. besides, i'm not creative in the least. -_-


anamuan March 24 2008, 20:40:12 UTC
that's true. I didn't think about that. I was just hoping for something a little more catchy than 'The trilled /r/ in Japanese as a resource for creating intimdating identities' because that = no one will ever want to read this. ever. and all the other sociolinguists have cutesy titles and i feel left out.

I am reading through the comments you left on kpfod, and i love them. possibly more than peyton does. XD


4_03_am March 24 2008, 20:44:08 UTC
lol! i just think "korrra! ...are you afraid yet?" XD;; will you be sharing this paper with us? i'm very interested. *_*

;lkslfsdf LOL. why! my comments were mostly irrelevant to the point of the fic; how embarrassing.


anamuan March 24 2008, 20:50:20 UTC
are you really? I'd assumed that people would find it boring. and anticlimactic, since it's like, all i talk about.
sore nara i might put it up flocked after i turn it in. j;klafj;lkaf I think i'm going to finish the analysis section today. Which means 1~2 paragraphs or lit review that i just really don't want to write, throwing my conclusion section into order (making sure it matches my intro), and then title (page), abstract (do i need one?), acknowledgements, and making sure my citations are all formatted the same way. OMG THIS THING IS LIKE. PRACTICALLY DONE. I'm not sure i'll know what to do with myself. other homeworkbecause i like your comments ( ... )


4_03_am March 24 2008, 21:07:21 UTC
i am! i find any sort of language related thing fascinating.

YOU ARE ALMOST DONE YAY \:D/ not very much to go, just the last stretch. you can do it~~

hahaha, that makes sense. knowing the story before it's written out does alter your reaction at the end. XD it looks great as it is, i think. i dunno how much proofreading you'll actually have to do.


anamuan March 24 2008, 21:12:45 UTC
i love this \:D/ little emoji. it looks like it's head is on sideways. XDDD

have you recently gotten a set of new game-related icons?


4_03_am March 24 2008, 21:16:44 UTC
kind of has a "retarded" vibe, donchu think? XDD

lol, yes, i have. i started playing ffviii again recently and feel myself getting back into fandom, somewhat. and i never actually left the kh fandom (just haven't been vocal about it in my journal), so i got a few more of those icons. i...don't suppose you've played any of them...?


anamuan March 24 2008, 21:21:53 UTC
but is extremely enthusiastic, nonetheless. \:D/

why, yes. I have. ♥
FF7~10. ummm, and FF12. Only actually finished IX and XII. But! I watched my friend finish VII (when I chickened out), and i do have plans to eventually finish the others. it. just got harder once i went to college and the game console lives at home.
And only the first KH game, which I also haven't finished, but also want to.

DDD: I just realized! I totally forgot to get that fic for you from home *fails* I will get it next time!


4_03_am March 24 2008, 21:27:11 UTC
YOU FINISHED XII?!!? I have had the damn thing sitting on my dresser since like, when it came out. I can't get myself into it. I've played like, twenty minutes of it.

I really feel that you should most definitely try out VIII. It's amazing. (and then you can fic me)




anamuan March 24 2008, 21:33:42 UTC
It was a kind of accidental finish. With these games I get kind of OCD and have to finish all the sidequests or die trying, but then i went somewhere, and suddenly, there were boss battles, and the ending credits played. ^^;;
IT GETS A LOT BETTER AFTER THE FIRST 20 MINUTES. It took me like, idk, 2 breaks to get into it, but then i got really into it. hamatteta na~

I'm halfway through VIII. But it's been so long since I picked it up I don't remember what I was supposed to be doing ;_;
(am i supposed to be ficcing you? :P)

kowai yo. yes ma'am



4_03_am March 24 2008, 21:45:52 UTC
Maybe in the summer, I will try again. The battle system is just so different from what I'm used to with the other FFs so it's like. Idk, not my thing.

YOU CAN START OVER. I WILL HELP YOU IF YOU'RE STUCK. (you know what i meant. you really should write me viii fic)



anamuan March 24 2008, 21:51:03 UTC
that's true. one of the reasons i never went back and finished VII. I'd completely forgotten how all the materia were supposed to work.

I AM NOT STARTING OVER, GOD I'VE GOT LIKE. 80 HOURS OF PLAY TIME OR SOMETHING. ;lkjadf;jlkfad I will just have to ganbare over the summer.

faith in humans is misplaced. especially in someone like me.


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