sakura sake~

Mar 24, 2008 15:28

all the trees in the complex bloomed while i was gone. I don't think don't know if they're actually sakura I'm pretty sure they're not, but they're very pretty. ♥

last night, mom misplaced her sponge. gave up looking for it, went back to cleaning. finished cleaning. opened up the fridge to get a drink, and--
yes. that's right. found the missing sponge.

I mentioned last night, but just so everyone knows: tinyangl wrote me SHIGEJIN!!!! jk;lafj;klaf yessss. go read it. GO READ IT. it makes the hoyas losing almost worth it. Go read it, and then tell her it's awesome.

on that note, porn for women

debating the relative merits of 'it's not until' v 'it isn't until' with myself. have come to no conclusions. anyone have any ideas.

back at school. had some very strange dreams on the way, which always got interrupted at inconvenient times. lkjafj;laf very very strange. :\
i was (predictably) massively unproductive at home. I guess i have to bring the hiatus tag back. *sigh*

OMG BABY PENGUINS. SO CUTE. SOOOOOOO CUTE. I WANT ONE. ;JKAFJ;LKDAF SO CUTE. 'KAWAII. CHO KAWAII. KAWAISUGI~' to quote Shuuji. ;kjfa;jkdfa the cute, it kills me. omg, how do they exist.

I just realized. My thesis needs a title. I hate titles. Ideas?

pimpin', someone just shoot me kthxbai, i am so fucked it's not even funny, please let me live through this week, tv, nikki no baka, with the doom!, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, commentfic, america, i hate myself sometimes, eigo, lx or bastardizations thereof, why aren't you kidding?, mi familia, teh internets > my sanity, dream, sleep, posts of oblique references, commentspam gets its own tag now, school

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