family matters

Mar 07, 2008 13:08

So. My niece. She recently went down to florida with her high school choir. She's actually in the top choir in the school, which is quite hard to audition into. They've got fancy black dresses, and tuxes as concert dress. She took an empty garment bag (don't ask me how/why she didn't check) down. orchestra.* She left the whole thing at home. So, they're down for a competition, and she has no dress. So the parent chaperones MAKE HER A DRESS. OUT OF THE GARMENT BAG. No, seriously. They made her a dress out of the garment bag. It. It actually was pretty good. I may post a picture. XD She wearing someone else's garment bag!
*proving once more that i should get any stories told to me by my father checked out in other sources. aiyah.

spent some time with nihongofrancais last night, watching her make butt-emoji.

dinner consisted of a roast chicken and some flavoured (instant) rice. The chicken, so good. I know, it was just a roast chicken bought at a grocery store, and then put in the oven for half an hour, but omg. The skin. so crispy. perfect. something about fat is so tasty. mmmm. never giving it up.
but because dinner was at seven something, i was hungry again by 1.

bad joke of the day: what kind of bees make milk?

the conversation was not as awkward as i feared. He did in fact, bring me chocolate (Godiva. And it's so prettily wrapped. gold paper, with an actual ribbon bow in a pretty, dark green), so. I'm quite pleased with him, and am willing to overlook his arrogant streak.
He's from Belgium. So if i told you belgium, i remembered right. If i told you something else, whoops.

Ironically, my little sister's advisor's name is also rob.
girl: that's what life is all about.
rob: watching other people eat munchkins?
and later,
rob: there are munchkins circulating

Make that, he brought me over a pound of chocolate. happy desu!

So my older sister (the one with kids) has two girls. I think they're all still in Italy until august, but maybe they're back in FL again. At any rate, i dreamed that i was babysitting for them, only in addition to the two girls, they had another younger boy, and an infant daughter. Who was possibly cute incarnate. And I was happy that they were young enough that I could finally be a proper aunt XD

it's dark enough that keeping my blinds shut may actually be brighter. Oh, rain.

because it probably only really makes sense to a couple people. We don't know anything about them, or what happened, or if they'll ever get to hear about the guavas. that's why i like it. Outside my little scope are other people living their own lives, and i'll never get to hear their stories. But they makes sense to them.

In other news, Daylight Savings Time creates no additional daylight. Um. No, really. how'd they figure that one. Actually, the article's about how it doesn't really save money. It saves lightbulbs, but people are wusses with temperature.

疲れてるけど, quotes without context, i am so fucked it's not even funny, the jianjian, food, with the doom!, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, i hate myself sometimes, my god is an awesome god, lx or bastardizations thereof, mi familia, why aren't you kidding?, teh internets > my sanity, dream, weather, with the random, posts of oblique references

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