why hello, internet addiction.

Mar 06, 2008 17:52

Please, make yourself at home.

I've taken to writing bits of thesis down on scraps of paper. Also, the first thing I ever really plan out is the thank yous that go at the front.

Metro gave me breath mints today. the most random promotion ever.

I had, by chance, packed enough medicine and extra clothes to let me stay an extra night. So i did.
Safely home now, and it took me a whole half-hour less than i thought it would. Slept on the bus instead of doing the reading I'd half planned to, but that's pretty normal. Something about the hum of the engine puts me right out. Or maybe it's the pavlovian response of public transport = sleep.

my bedroom looks a bunch of backpacks got together and threw up all over the floor. books, paper notecards everywhere. :\

Supposedly, Sebastian brought me chocolate as an omiyage. I haven't met him yet, but I approve already.

Watched La Cage aux Folles last night. I've never seen the Birdcage so i didn't know what was going to happen, but apparently, they copied the plot quite closely when they took it from this French film. They may also have used some of the same props, according to those who had seen it. It's quite an enjoyable film, really. But we wished this one had yellow subtitles like the Chinese film we watched Monday, because, yeah. Though we did have to pay attention to subtitles again.

Met my language partner at the starbucks up the hill and had coffee and now I probably will not feel the need to eat or sleep for several hours. I wonder what I shall have for dinner.

I miss my girls already. T_T

I am probably a third of the way through my introduction section, which i just started, and it's kind of exciting how easily its going. Ok, sure, it's just the intro, but i hate papers, and i especially hate intros. Then again, I've been working on this topic in various forms for like 2 years now, so I'm glad that it's finally decided to start writing itself.

distract me?

edit: so, me talking?
downloadable version if you prefer to listen to it that way. Sometimes the embedded thingies don't work as well as I like, or i'm bad with the controls or something, but I just know that i always want download links just in case, so.

寂しがりやじゃない, someone just shoot me kthxbai, eikaiwa, what; is this hope?, i am so fucked it's not even funny, please let me live through this week, tv, food, nikki no baka, with the doom!, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, lx or bastardizations thereof, why aren't you kidding?, teh internets > my sanity, with the random, sleep, homework, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now

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