through the clouds, an edge of brilliant white

Feb 23, 2008 17:22

around the 22nd minute in the 10th episode of kimi wa petto, Rumi hops on the back of Junpei's bike, and he starts peddling off. Aaaaaand then the cut the scene before they both fall off the bike. She never got her bags arranged. Their balance looked terrible. I hope no one got hurt.

anyone got any advice about what i could do about washing my bras? the washing machine is too hard on them. I've had some underwires snap already, and I'd really prefer not to lose any more. On the other hand, I don't want to have to wash them all by hand if i can help it.

am i as smart as a fifth grader? no, probably not. But the really frustrating thing is that i remember that i used to know that stuff, once.
on the other hand, i have cognitive reasoning skills that have yet to develope in most 10 year olds, so there is that. i don't think i'd trade.

i miss the weather, opportunity, and pressure to dress up. i want to wander around town in a cute skirt and heels.

i made pasta last night. It's like, the 5th time (maybe?) that i've ever done it, and the first time ever in this apartment (not that it matters. it just gives some measure on how long ago the last time was). Not only was it edible, it was good. So pleased.
Here's to hoping the leftovers will be just as surprising.

(on yamapea's journal)
anamuan: even scrawny, tegoshi was still smaller than they had to worry if yamapi's skinny arms could handle it.
anamuan: i am not sure that is an english sentence.
thawrecka: it is about as english as LET'S TOGETHER WITH US. But I understood it!

In order to not do my homework, I did my hair and 4 loads of laundry. It looks pretty cool, actually. I also wasted some time trying to take pictures of it. the hair, not the laundry.
In order to not have to transcribe, I coded yesterday (all day. and it takes so much longer than i remember) and wrote up my article report/presentation for Monday. In order not to have to transcribe today, I started writing the 'drama' section of my thesis. On the one hand, I shouldn't be leaving all the hard parts till last, and i really need a more nuanced way to code for profession* and i need to tackle that lexical coding (j;lkafj which i didn't pay enough attention to. I don't remember how!) as well. but on the other, i did write some thesis and that's more than i usually end up actually doing.

But i should probably stop putting off the transcribing, since i know how long it takes me and i need it for my kj;lafjl;kfa scarily major presentation on Monday. I think really, i just hate the idea of having to turn off my music.

On the upside, Jason volunteered to write the group write-up due monday for field methods, so that's one thing I don't have to worry about. It's so nice when you have responsible group members.

Also, i just rushed out into the kitchen to ask my roommate a frantic question: is there supposed to be this lump of bone beneath my knee cap!?

cut to save your brains.
the problem is that they're role differences, not gender differences, but roles are often deliniated along gender lines. you’re not going to find many Japanese househusbands (esp in socio-normative dramas). but it’s not really a good idea to classify all these gainfully unemployed people together. A retired fisherman isn’t going to be using the same kinds of language a young, rich housewife would, and wouldn’t be trying to present the same kind of identities. In terms of profession, however, they’re both respectably unemployed (as opposed to being freeta, or unable to hold down a job). Also for category v (which I picked randomly and stands for all those people who are working but aren’t exactly ‘professionals’-store clerks, small business owners, artisans, apartment managers, etc.), there’s so much potential difference. and i really don't know what to do with it. Ideas, anyone?

:\\\ this song title is too long for the space allotted.

eta: this meme thing. I've sworn off memes for a while, but. I wholeheartedly recommend trolling through it and leaving people nice comments. I love the idea so much. Spread some love yo.

watch me be vain, someone just shoot me kthxbai, quotes without context, i am so fucked it's not even funny, teh internets = my sanity, tv, food, nikki no baka, with the doom!, idiotic is my new hobby, lx or bastardizations thereof, why aren't you kidding?, ;_;, weather, with the random, homework, commentspam gets its own tag now

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