rain like fog

Feb 22, 2008 14:29

it's so overcast! that's probably why i could sleep so late when i went to bed so late. If there was sun coming in through my blinds in the morning like it does, I'd have woken up at 8:30 again and been very very tired.
I think i won't go to do library research today afterall. I've got a lot of stuff I can do at home, and it looks unhappy outside. I'll do library research tomorrow.

dude. the day i have no classes, we get a liberal leave. oh well. i guess wouldn't have to go to school either way, and there's always the possibility that had i class, my teacher wouldn't have cancelled.

i need to buy some 2 cent stamps. I wish i knew how to make the symbol for cents. that little c with the line down through it. ever since grade-school (you know, it was probably like kindergarten. I remember the texture of the paper in the books), that's been my favourite thing ever. It just looks so cool. Much cooler than 「$」

I have a new favourite movie. Boondock Saints. I know, it's awful that last night was the first time I'd ever seen it, but. Dear, Lord, were the two brothers both squishibly adorable, and amazingly hot. sometimes at the same time, and sometimes while covered in blood. Always with the tattoos. Which is unusual for me.
Just, i mean. come on. they got in a stupid, rolly fight in an airvent while they were sneaking in to kill people. How adorable is that? they're so cute together! And then, of course, their thrashing around sent them crashing through the ceiling, conveniently dangling upside down and all tangled up in the rope, and they shot 8 people and it was hot. And then they got the last guy down on his knees and prayed in unison and shot him and it was hot. oh, oh, oh, and the bit where the annoying friend died? (part of me was kind of happy, because he was annoying) that was so touching. T___T they're so cute.

the (sometimes spotty) accents have absolutely nothing to do with it. Nothing whatsoever.
DDDDD: i just realized i want to cap this movie.

comment spam with nihongofrancais and 4_03_am last night. We are...very special.
Also, i guess WOMAN!

Expecting my weekly hot date with nihongofrancais :DDv tanoshimi~

have not gone shopping yet. am kind of desperate. I think i'll go down to the conbini in the lobby.. I did. and then when i came back (accidentally locked out. SO glad she had just seen the door unlocked, and not, like, left, since i didn't bring my keys), we went grocery shopping. I have juice! and bread! and juice! vegetables! yoghurt~ oh, so, so happy.

with all the weird yoghurt flavours they're coming out with these days, you'd think i could get some aloe. :\

food, tv, nikki no baka, eigo, teh internets > my sanity, weather, with the random, socializing ftw, commentspam gets its own tag now, school

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