
Jan 04, 2008 18:28

today was a shopping day. kind of unintentionally, it took all day. originally, we were planning to be back in time to pick annie up from school (and go get coffee. :( i've been dreaming of that coffee since i woke up)

i think baby orangatans look like little old men.

there was a pigeon leg on the pavement in pittsburgh. just the leg, but the whole leg. also, some random wing feathers. pigeon, 0; some larger animal, 100.

first to the strip district in pittsburgh to stock up on our asian food needs.
it was kind of disappointing though--despite today being the day everything comes in, they were out of practically everything we wanted. They tried to sell us a roast duck from last week. ew.
we kind of looked at it and went, 'um. this duck looks sketch' and mom asked the lady if we could have another one. the lady was like, (very quietly) '...it's from last week. i'll see if there are fresh ones' but we were like 'nm. thanks'

then we went to robinson for regular shopping. after christmas sales = sparkly awesome.

dinner was a good roast. the kind ready from the supermarket, all you have to do is roast. And baked potatoes.

when i burp it tastes like pommegranite. ;_;

on the way home, right outside cannonsburg suddenly we ran into a crazy traffic jam, but there was nothing coming the other way. so we're inching along, and suddenly we can see why. accident. There was like, an SUV upside down by the side of the road (nose pointing away from the road), gently smoking. You could see the spare tire in the back window because apparently they just kept it free in the trunk. Then, maybe 30 feet down the road was a semi. The cab was in the ditch a the side of the road, disconnected from the trailer part. That was on it's side, blocking most of the road, and it's load (ginormous unfinished logs) blocked the rest. There was a van caught in all the logs. In between the upside-down SUV and the semi was a road sign--one of those giant "next exit.../87 miles to..." signs. the really big ones with I-beams as signposts--snapped in half, with part lying in the road. There was also a giant pile of cardboard.
We were there before all the ambulances and firetrucks got there, and the police stopped traffic on our side three cars up. There were a couple of people who were bleeding at the side of the road, but no one looked seriously injured. They were walking around, talking on their cell phones, to each other. I don't think there was anyone in the upsidedown car, because the firefighters just worked on putting it out, not getting anyone out. It was kind of crazy though.

food, tv, with the random, posts of oblique references, america, i don't even know what to call this tag, annie

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