this is so pointless.

Jan 03, 2008 15:25

sometimes i amaze myself.

i read three-four pages of harry potter yesterday. there was most of one i didn't really get but moved on anyway, but it was kind of exciting.

i wish i had dreams about pin threesomes. some people get all the luck.

it is snowing ♥♥

i feel like i should start calling some people, but i really like the 'lazing about at home' aspect of things. *fails at life*

mycroftnext: I hate it when my incestuous words' heads fight
IDEK. i was there, and i'm still not entirely sure.

i am being avoidant again.

it is annie's first day back to school. she was kind of less than thrilled. but two hour delay, so it could have been worse.

i want minions. to do my bidding. and possibly carry giant battle-axes. it would be cool yo.

fic i owe, in no particular order:
sillyandmorbid tomapi i think it's stuck drabble.
4_03_am pin handcuff
4_03_am pin here's another christmas on my own
inevitabilityy procreational Ryo or Pi fic; I can keep (this) a secret (but only if you can keep me guessing).
nihongofrancais KoyaRyoJin "you two are such copycats"
trangai kokijin; unusually hard to hold onto.
shatteredinu PIN age of mythology fic (yes, really)
♦nokotteru Shigethon prompts
the best part is about half of them are in various states of part-way written.

other people's awesome, watch me be vain, nikki no baka, i hate myself sometimes, japanese, annie, quotes without context, weather, dream, the jianjian, commentspam gets its own tag now

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