クリスマスイヴ is the same in English.

Dec 24, 2007 21:32

i seriously eat so poorly when i'm at home. the day before yesterday, before dinner (philly cheesestake), i had 3 pieces of bread. all day.
yesterday, before dinner, i had one piece of bread and some cookies (like, maybe 4).

Our tree is classy.

YES! I got an A in Ethnog!!! Like seriously, a straight-up A. No A- for me!
though honestly, i'm not entirely sure how. I guess the paper did end up being 21 of 20 pages, which doesn't usually happen to me, but. I never did the reading regularly and I didn't make up nearly as many readings as I'd planned to (and I swear she could tell, which is a first. that i think the prof knows, not if they actually know or not) and my actual ethnography was kind of half-assed and started maybe a week before the paper was due and stuff. I just. I'm very pleasantly surprised with this one.
A for JapAcq also, but that's not really surprising, since I'd gotten all the grades back before i left for home, and they were never below an A-. Hopefully this will have her looking forward to the tutorial next term instead of just kind of grudgingly agreeing. In my defense, I gave her plenty of leeway to say "no, i'm too busy, sorry" so I don't think i pressured her into it, but. you never really know how the aite feels about things.

4_03_am, tinyangl, and I are beyond lame. :\

Stayed up way to late (enjoying myself and not doing anything useful) and then mom got the honjitsu "HOLY CRAP THERE ARE PEOPLE COMING TO THIS HOUSE" panic earlier than usual, so after getting in a yelling match with Annie, she came and woke me and jianjian up to take out some of her bad temper.

go make paper dolls!

Everyone came over and we had Christmas 'dinner' right around 2:40 pm. the wine mom got was pretty gross, which is unfortunate. The food was excellent, though, even the turkey. Dad made his butter-lemon cauliflower and that was exciting.
Then presents were opened, the kids got on whichever game system and started shooting at each other, and I tried not to take a nap.

"Underwater blond people are weird" ~ sillyandmorbid

Then we went to the Christmas Eve church service. They gave me fire, and it was exciting. The music was so-so, but not awful. Annie (who played in the orchestra made up of middle schoolers, who, i assume, go to the church), we decided, either looked like a male lounge singer in Vegas, or The King of Samba. She was not really happy with either assessment.
They gave me fire, i was happy.

food, church, annie, 曖昧っていいよねぇ, quotes without context, triumph!, mi familia, socializing ftw, with the random, sleep, the jianjian, school

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