
Nov 28, 2007 18:44

i wrote the best threesome in my head while i was waking up this morning. Ok, maybe not the best, but better than most i try to do.
i couldn't remember enough of it to write it down once i was actually conscious. botheration. I blame sillyandmorbid for picking all the dirty bits out of that NewS' all night nippon translation

*flail!panic* I just realized. If katrinastrife is coming tomorrow. then that means I have to clean my bathroom today (if I were a better host, i'd clean my bedroom too but. well, we'll leave impossible tasks for other times). It's not really dirty, because I cleaned it not very long ago, but it's pretty dusty, i guess from not being around over break? But if I have to sweep/mop, then I might as well do the rest. I mean, it's not like the tub would hurt from being washed again.

I gasp! actually did my reading. Well, ok, one article I skimmed, but. that's a lot closer to reading than normal already, and i chanto did the other ones.

I wish we got more than 2 days for study period like those other big-name schools. I am just done. like really.

They opened a starbucks on the corner of M and 33rd. Where my bus stop for the way home is. Today I succumbed and bought a weird spinach pocket thing. It had a surprise egg inside. Also coffee I should not have been drinking.
Then, after I got home, I walked up to the grocery store and bought crab dip. I am going to try to make korokke with the leftover potatoes from thanksgiving.

My door is broken. The one to the apartment complex. So i had to walk the long way around. it is sad-making.

I forgot to turn my phone to silent today, and of course, it's the one day I get a text during class. Real Face rang very loudly through the classroom. It's always embarrassing when your phone goes off in class, but to compound the issue, the prof was like "What kind of ring tone is that?"

Has everyone seen the article about the British singer messes up the Croatian national anthem rather badly and amused the Croatian team enough that they actually won? It was just a minor pronunciation error, but boy, what an error. One of my professors is Croatian, so we showed it to her in class today, and she explained that the BBC translation of the gaffe is actually a little too literal. First of all, he makes the pronunciation mistake every time he said the word 'kuda.' And secondly (and more importantly), the colloquial meaning of the word is kind of like saying " ass!" in English, as in "I did the reading my ass!" So instead of "My dear, we love your mountains," he said "we love your mountains my ass!" and then "we love your plains my ass!" and so forth. ♥ for cultural meanings~
The best part? The Croatians now want him as their mascot.

eta: korokke getto! partially inspired by Omori-sensei's Thanksgiving leftovers⇒コロッケ idea (which you can't see unless you have a mixi account, sorry. meh. it's in japanese anyway), and it's good.
leftover mashed potatoes
crab dip (like the kind you're supposed to eat with crackers or something)
potato starch + bread crumbs (for breading)

mix about equal parts potato and crab dip together thoroughly. I just kind of eyeballed until I thought there was enough crab dip mixed in.
make into patties. I probably should have pressed harder, so they wouldn't threaten to fall apart so much when i deep fried.
coat with starch and bread crumbs.
deep fry (i used my trusty inherited wok. I ♥ that wok) until golden brown.
eat with tonkatsu sauce.

It took like, maybe 10 minutes total, and a lot of that time i spent waiting for the oil to heat up. 興奮だ
I haven't quite figured out how to do the breading right, so if anyone has any tips for it, I'd love them.

eta2: if you're a pirate and you run out of cannon balls, use a big chain. Dude, that ripped right through the pig. like, half of the pig was missing after.

other people's awesome, news, food, nikki no baka, class, america, lx or bastardizations thereof, food しよう, bakanakoto, tv2, with the random, homework, posts of oblique references

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