
Nov 27, 2007 19:00

I just bit my tongue and it is bleeding. hardcore. D:

but I remembered that I had miso paste and had miso for/with dinner, and that was happy.
also, a potato pancake, and then a coconut tart mom brought me back from canada.
I feel kind of like I should have had some protein though. or, like, a vegetable. meh. oh well.

morning class cancelled on thursday! yay!
except for the make-up class scheduled for 9 am tuesday morning. not so yay!

total language partner fail today. Apparently, i forgot how to read over break. Just in time for the JLPT~ My kikitori was still pretty good. She read random bits of a novel to me, and then asked questions. Usually I couldn't tell why I thought the right answer, but I got the answers right, so there's that.
The reading though. totally, utterly ftf yo. It was embarrassing.

"I'm so over this semester," -- Rob.
It's kind of reassuring when the teachers admit that they're done too. Everyone's exhausted and we just keep getting more work. Maybe it's the misery-loves-company factor.
Rob apparently spent thanksgiving break triple-checking our coding. All 2400 tokens. Dude. that's insane. 友達になれるかな。

so tired.

Ran into rocksizedheart in the hall today. And then Tego and Krizstina ran into us. good times. I probably made everyone late for class.
and i should probably go do semantics. or write that paper. :|

food, 疲れてるけど, nikki no baka, class, japanese, quotes without context, homework, school

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