DONE!!! *bounce*

Oct 28, 2007 17:57

I wish I never had to look at it again, but really, probably i should go in and start coding. Get my first 100 tokens done and get a leg up on next week's assignments.

Missed church this week, obviously, given the mid-service posting time, but.
=/ shikata nai kara.

Yesterday at the grocery store, I went down the cereal aisle, and found twinings earl grey. Which i bought. without stopping to think. Now i can say that it tastes good hot (which I knew), it tastes good cold, but warm-ish is just gross.

It was an absolutely beautiful day today. I wish I could have gone outside. It was supposed to be kind of cold, though. Well. Dress warmly or something. Now it's kind of dark though, so I guess i missed my chance. *sadnesses*

Last night, I made gyoza for lunch (thank you, stillesprite, for getting that for me the other day), fried rice for dinner (cause we went to the grocery store, and I had veggies again), and so today's lunch was omu-rice. It was a very late lunch. I'm not sure if I'll want dinner.
What I really want is yang-ro, but that's kind of muri, so. Anyone know any lamb-kabob street venders closer than China?

*dance* TRANSCRIPTION OVER!! Cause, not only did it take forever, I really do sound like an idiot. It was the most horribly conducted interview I've ever had the experience of listening to, so. I mean, i don't want to come off sounding stupid, and i really do, and I don't think there needs to be a recording of that.

I had a weird dream last night where I was taking Ms. Obermann's class. I was supposedly a senior in high school, but it was an easy math class, and she liked me since she'd had me before a long time ago or something. And I was totally failing the first quiz, and I was confused in my head, because I knew I'd understood it at one point, but I hadn't taken math in so long, but then was like "but in high school, i took math every year, so how?' and it was just weird.

Picked out my next term schedule. Need to do reading, because my Ethnog. prof is smart, and I think i'll be taking a class by her again next term. I should ask my classmates who've had her before if she's a hard grader....

food, nikki no baka, lx or bastardizations thereof, triumph!, weather, dream, homework, school

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