
Oct 27, 2007 12:17

it feels strange to be able to see blue in the sky.

So yesterday, class was canceled. That was nice.
I transcribed. Didn't get as much done as I'd hoped; but transcribed for longer than I'd hoped. I can see that this is going to be that kind of project.
But I did do my semantics homework, so there's that at least.

At the beginning of the year, my roommate bought square mugs for the apartment. They are kind of hard to drink out of. You kind of have to stick your mouth over the corner, because drinking from the flat side is dicey. But the handle is situated in such a way as to lead me to believe that the designer intended us to drink from the flat.

Left for campus around 5 with the intention of meeting up with Tego for an hour or so, after she got off work and before my language dinner. Naturally the 5:30 bus never came, so I was a good 11 minutes late; then the MUG was closed. We went to Saxby's instead, and it's got a lovely atmosphere on a rainy Friday night. Warm and cozy, and incredibly not crowded. Chatted until we finished our chais and then I ran (late) to the language dinner.

Of course, as a college anything, it got off to a late start anyway, so it was all good. I wish I'd thought to ask to take some of the leftovers home; 美味しかった。It was a better time than last time, actually. It was at Naoko's house, and so it was just kind of home-ier, and you felt like you could move around and talk to people, when you can't really just wander in a restaurant. The food cost less too. It's also fun because, yeah, we all know Japanese, but we all also know English, and several people know additional languages, so there was massive codeswitching. That would be an interesting project. An interesting project for someone else to do, because even if I wanted a PhD, I'm not that crazyambitious.

There was a point in which we were all talking in Japanese about weird words for things in other languages. That didn't come out right. We were talking about words with the same phonetic realization which have drastically different meanings across different languages.
I had my moment of fame when Naoko was complaining about how last year's board was like "we're all graduating. you're the only one who'll be here, so have fun picking the new board." She was like, "last year's Board...YOU! Nikki! YOUR Board!"
Nikki: *covers eyes with hands.* Gomen! Gomen!! warukatta ...
it was funny.
And then Alex-kun kept trying to convince the rest of the board that doing a Kanjani8 song for Asiafest would be a good idea.

Got home (which was kind of an ordeal, because, again, of the lack of buses that were actually on time and the fact that it started kind of pouring while I was waiting at my second bus stop), took out the trash, checked my email (for the first time in 12 hours. that's probably a record) and found one from mycroftnext yelling at me for not being online to chat. So i called her.

Also of note, yesterday I spent a lot of time talking to people at bus stops. In ballston, I had a nice 15, 20 minute chat with a nice young man from southwest? (southeast? I can't remember now. as he said "the quote, unquote 'bad part'" but i can never remember where that's supposed to be) He's got two kids-a 2 year old boy, and a 4 mo old girl. Actually, he asked if I had kids, and it seemed like such a ridiculous proposition to me (ME? children?) that for a beat I was trying to figure out if he meant children or goats.
And then on the way home, I had a 10 minute chat with an older lady who works at the Talberts. IDEK. I mean, generally, people don't talk to strangers at the bus stop. It's like talking to strangers in an elevator--it's just not done. So two in one day?

Then again, at the coffee shop waiting for Tego, I realized that I hadn't written down which apartment was Naoko's, so I accosted the man at the table behind me and asked to use his internet. He was very nice and let me.

Toast and Earl Grey for breakfastって懐かしい。There wasn't any aloe yogurt, and the table was the wrong color and height, but if I closed my eyes, I could smell that place.

food: レストラン, nikki no baka, eigo, japanese, lx or bastardizations thereof, japan, weather, homework, with the random

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