
Oct 22, 2007 19:54

It's amazing that an article from 1997 would feel so dated. more dated even, than a lot I've read from the 70's and 80's. But I suppose that's what computers and the internet do.

I made myself my mac&cheese casserole thingy, after walking up to the grocery store and getting some frozen broccoli and some ham. Those went into the casserole, and baked (once again) in a cake pan (one of the fancy kinds with the bottom that unhinges) covered with tin foil (so i wouldn't have to wash it).
It was good, but not as ... casserole-y as I'd hoped. Maybe I need to put in more liquid?

Semantics midterm
Well, I never want to do that again, but. I can't say that I'm not glad it's over.
Now to try to catch my breath, regroup, and keep going.

Today was a day of bugs and things crawling on me. I am less than pleased.

My classmates are really amazing people, who are doing really amazing things. ♥
I think that, at least, i'll probably miss whenever I start working. Not that my future co-workers won't have the potential to be amazing, but. I guess I just assume I won't be working somewhere that really necessarily has all these kinds of people all glumped together.

I wonder what things I haven't done for tomorrow. Or wednesday. Saikin (and it's probably the midterms talking, but) i just feel like I could really use a week in a time-bubble where I could just get my act back together. I feel like I'm playing at school, and I don't really like it.

I am transcribing! Go me! Well, right now I am taking a break, but. Then the question is, 'to code, or not to code.'

Anyone know where I could find the Japanese movie (supposedly from around 3 years ago) called Kamikaze Girls?

edit: My hair is doing weird things that, if I were a Johnny's, would probably be hot. But since I'm not, it just looks like I need to buy a brush. Unfortunately, I have a brush; it just doesn't help much.

food, 疲れてるけど, with the doom!, nikki no baka, mini!(r-.-)r, someone just shoot me kthxbai, lx or bastardizations thereof, please let me live through this week, ;_;, homework, posts of oblique references, shige-thon!!

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