Oct 20, 2007 18:13

So one midterm is about 1/3 done and i haven't done anything yet for the other. This was not the plan. Dude, i am even focusing, wtf.

It was sunny, so I woke up early. It was kind of nice. ^_^ Sunshiny mornings are worth it. Especially since 'early' means 9:20 and not like, 6 AM.

I just had too much for dinner and am queasy. Should have stopped with the leftover rice.

Camera/picture update: the cord my mom found was not in fact the cord I need. So I just have a lot of pictures on my camera and maybe they will never get off. *sadness*

Put on make-up too, even though I plan not to leave the house.
I look funny in the tank top and sleep shorts with full make-up.

Ok. I am going back to work now. everyone have nice lives.

food, weather, homework

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