But I guess I don't really like cheese

Oct 16, 2007 18:37

I made okonomiyaki today. (Speaking of, the instructional picture post may or may not happen ever, because it turns out that mom brought cables for her camera, and mine uses a different one. So I may never get the pics of my camera now.) Cheese is a pretty handy ingredient to just throw in, because that way I feel like I'm eating more than cabbage and some kind of meat (heh. maybe not the healthiest of options, but. Variety is variety). But yappa it's not really my favourite.

I still have trouble judging the proportion of batter to everything else, but I let it cook long enough this time, so it's pretty good. I just had to make some more emergency batter at the end.

Had a nice long chat with annie about a lot of interesting things. Maybe her being a person isn't so bad afterall.

Presentation is luckily on Thursday. Had a scare this morning after I'd left home without the handouts that maybe, just maybe I'd mis-remembered and it was today.
SocVar was interesting, if a little rushed because of course we're behind. Turned in my interview and thursday I have to lug the laptop to class to learn how to use transcriber (ironically enough, a transcription program).

If I hardboil and egg and then keep it refridgerated, for about how long do you think it'll stay good? Opinions anyway?

Dropped by the library to chat with stillesprite. It's becoming something of a habit; I always feel a little guilty, though, because she's working.

Acquisition of Japanese was interesting too. We took a look at some of the reseach our prof had done, and it sounded like a lot of fun. I know i'm a dork, but now I kind of want to take her kanji test (the research was on how students of Japanese feel about kanji, and then whether or not their perceptions match their practices). It probably wouldn't mean as much though, because I'm not an intermediate student anymore. But. it just looked like a lot of fun. As long as I don't get a grade I think i really do like tests.
Though we do get our midterm starting Thursday, and then we have the weekend to complete it. I admit to not looking forward to that.


edit: Wikipedia is a dangerous, dangerous place.

nikki no baka, class, nerdly ftw!, japanese 2, annie, lx 2, 曖昧っていいよねぇ, food 3, school 2

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