To Do:

Oct 15, 2007 19:39

一start presentation of an analysis paper: pick an exemplary event.
一finish making handout for SocVar
一translate 1-2 parts of 'leisure'
一review readings for tomorrow
一code at least 5 more minutes of NwP
一read Harry Potter in Japanese, 1 chapter.

☆call comcast, make them fix our connection
☆reply to emails
☆call the apartment people about the fact that our garbage disposal doesn't work
☆add 意味 to my flashcards.

♥make CD for SocVar
♥print out stuff for Tuesday & Thursday

Assessed the contents of my fridge. ~<3

Made yakisoba with bacon (because i didn't have any other pork, and besides it was the only meat that didn't need to thaw). For future reference, bacon does not slice well.

I hate having to go to bed early. Maybe it's cause i don't focus as well in the mornings, so i feel like it's not as efficient use of time. Then again, in the evenings, if I didn't have to go to sleep early, I know I'd just waste more time jacking around.

Parts of my room are so much cleaner than they were! ((♥ Mom!)) Like, there was this cardboard box over near my bedroom door because i thought it would come in handy for whenever i move out, but didn't have anywhere really to put it. This box went home with my family, so now it is just pretty, clean carpet over there.

But apparently Annie is sick. Mom hypothesizes that there is deadly mold growing in my house.
My roommate keeps getting mysterious cuts on her hand and forearm (really it's just dry skin) but my theory is that that arm is possessed.

Anyone know why Yamapi is eating a dry pancake? I mean. No butter? No syrup? Nothing?
Dude. yuck.

edit: coding中だけど, can i just take a minute to say, Kamenashi Kazuya, WANT!

mi familia again, japanese, annie, to do, food しよう, translation, the pretty, baito, with the random, homework, school

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