ambling and rambling

Oct 08, 2007 17:49

a 10-year-old in Arkansas stole a school bus. And led police officers on a 50 mile chase. No lie.

Went to Chinatown. Met Tego.
Chinatown doesn't have as many stores as i'd thought. I'd never really gotten past the first one before.
Zengo is a mexican restaurant, btw, not a furniture/home decorating store. That was a little embarrassing.

So we had vegan Indian food for lunch and neither of us could finish.
And we didn't talk about school and life was good. Instead we talked about inappropriate things in public, because we're good at that.

Then we walked to Macy's over by Metro Center. I knew there was one semi-nearby, but wasn't sure exactly where (my cousin & his fiance came into town once last year, and stayed in a hotel near that macy's. And we walked to the national building gallery. And over there, i was like "dude. That's my church." which is in chinatown, so.)
We walked in the wrong direction. Stopped and asked for directions. The guy is like "There is a Macy's. It's not walking distance." But then he told us anyway. 13th and H. We were on 5th and H. Dude. That is totally walking distance. 8 blocks? I was in 4 inch heels and that is still walking distance.

So we walked to Macy's and tego bought argylle tights. yes. really.
And we wandered around the rest of the store, and the 4th floor is laid out specifically for flashers: coats (trench coats) right by the lingerie. It's a niche market. Planning, planning.
I had the opportunity, but i chose not to stand in their elevator for 30 minutes. I'll just do it at school tomorrow.

Now I'll finish my homework. Have to type up semantics and all that.
Clean the bathroom, too.
But this is the first time I've ever finished an assignment so early. It's. Well, maybe we'll see if we can't try and do it again someday.

I think of my calcium in terms of orange juice.

food 3, 迷子to iu ka, with the random

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