i want to stop posting about

Sep 27, 2007 23:44

how tired i am. but to do that, first i would have to get un-tired.

it rained sometime during the time tego and i came here and the time i took her to the bus stop. the ground was all wet, and so were the cars in the parking lot, and it was both cool and relatively un-humid.

i am tired.
but not hungry. maybe totally useless. we'll see.

I was eaten three times by mosquitos today. actually 3 times in about an hour and a half, standing in red square. And then i had to fight to actually kill another mosquito. but i am ok with being a bitch. especially if it means the little bugger (...pun status at your own discretion) dies. *is vicious*
why do mosquito bites on my ankles itch more than everywhere else?

wisey's for the first time in a long time.
they've stopped giving you a drink with the subs. 何やれ?

"would it be totally inappropriate to say 'I want your boyfriend?....for a research subject?"

Grey's premier tonight. *is happy* Tego came over for the first time, and I fed her and we watched and it was wonderfully dramatic which had nothing at all to do with my life. It was wonderful.
Big Shots looks like an awful show; I plan to watch it. yes. yes i do.

So, having real furniture, and a pretty clean place, suddenly now i get urges to dust. I know that I won't. But it disturbs me to find that yes, i actually had that thought.

I have started reading "I am a Cat;" but I can't find the Japanese. maa, knowing me I'd be too lazy to really read it in Japanese, even though I want to.
But my language partner and I have decided to start reading Harry Potter 1 together in our respective target languages. I am a total dork and am looking forward to this.

people as poker chips.
"I have an african-american, middle-aged male."
"I'll see your african-american, middle-aged male, and raise you two younger white females"
I am doing a good job at failing at life/school (though in the panicky sense, not the literal sense); and i hate having to socialize and make new friends because mostly i just want to sleep.

疲れてるけど, with the doom!, nikki no baka, class, weather 2, japanese 2, eigo, eikaiwa, tv2, posts of oblique references, school 2

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