wednesdays are my unhappy days

Sep 26, 2007 17:37

but only in so far as they're by far the hardest days to wake up for. Something about waking up knowing I still 5 classes, that i'm not even quite halfway done. Something about having experienced the possibilites of having wednesday off every week and finding out just how refreshing a little break can be.

“The Internet, like any other society, is plagued with the kind of jerks who enjoy the electronic equivalent of writing on other people’s walls with spray paint, tearing their mailboxes off, or just sitting in the street blowing their horns.” ~ so this made getting IRB certification worth it. I love it as a line, and especially as a line of the 8 gazillion things I had to read and then take tests on. If i ever go fo, this is going to up somewhere.

Turned in my setting paper, realizing belatedly that while i did manage not leave any sentences half-way finished in the final copy, i did leave out a major section that i'd written out and intended to include. I also may not have adequeately (<--spelling anyone?) defined my setting for someone totally unfamiliar with it. but too late now, so i won't worry about it. Instead i shall worry about how i'm going to pull my grade back up.
And i think i've lost track of where I'd wanted to go with the paper and i really just don't know what i'm doing anymore. Reminders?advice?

did not fall asleep during semantics, so i am proud of myself. I am worried about my ability to do this week's homework tho. I was really really hoping that this time was going to be one of the 'every other week's but, alas, it is not.

ran up after class to catch the last 5 minutes of language table, met new people, and got a ride to rosslyn. Now I make tacos-over-rice. Hmm. I think i have no cheese. Everything's practically done already, and now is when i notice i have no cheese.

eta: so i am now IRB certified and have a print-out to prove it. how amazing am i?
eta2: i cut my finger nails. they can no longer be considered a leathal weapon. And i keep missing keys because my fingers now lack that extra centimeter they'd gotten used to.
edit:can i just ask when annie got a real personality? and like, learned how to spell words like 'reuniting'? I mean, dude. it's just weird. she's like a real little person now.

food, class, with the random, homework, school, annie

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