3 & 4's

Sep 19, 2007 19:19

ramen with egg in for dinner. The addition of the egg wasn't that awesome afterall, but i suppose at least i got some protein. The first packet i tried to make, sometime, somehow the thing of 'flavoured oil' inside had burst and gone bad in the package. Yeah. so. that was fun.

It was a pretty futuu day, but not bad. started grey and cloudy, but was fun to take pictures of this afternoon.

Went in early to talk to Rob, and he helped me with my notquiteathesis, which is good. I need to start coding (essentially counting all instances of [r] v flap) in different lx environments which is gonna be fun, let me tell you.
And. Sometimes with this thing i just feel like i'm biting off more than i can chew. Not in terms of not being able to do it all, but just doing it all in less than a year.

I spent 10 minutes today trying to make the tv work. somehow or another, (probably someone bumped the control) it had got off channel three, and of course the box only works with 3. So essentially, i just stood there turning the tv and the box on and off in different combinations. for ten minutes.

But i got a letter from wakikaki and left stillesprite a love note and i think it was a good day. I am tired and could probably just go to sleep (except for the massive amounts of fail that would make tomorrow) but instead i will go to the grocery store and buy juice. be excited.

疲れてるけど, food 3, nikki no baka, tv2, weather 2, sleep, school 2

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