I really like my hair today. It's doing a kind of messy elegant thing all on its own.
Recently I think it got long enough to pull it mostly straight, because even when I got to bed with it wet, I wake up and it's hanging straight (instead of defying laws of gravity).
But today, today is humid. So the curl came back.
I hate studying for exams. (I hate papers more, though. I'll take a good, old-fashioned, sit-down exam any day)
It's just the studying part I hate. If only I had spent some time doing something Japanese-related, I think I probably just wouldn't. I'm really a terrible student.
Sometimes everyone needs a flop on the carpet. So I did.
The carpet grows hairs. So I pulled great big hairballs off it. I even might even go so far as to say that maybe none of the haira once belonged to
mycroftnext. Maybe. Ok, so I wouldn't bet on it. But a maybe is better than nothing.
I'm getting better at asking for things. I still hate it, threatening face and all that, but a few more positive experiences, and it might become something a little less reviled. I just have to keep telling myself that i might get turned down, but if I don't ask then I'll never get anything.
The weather is beautiful. mid-70's. Humid as anything. Today, for this first time this year, it actually feels warmer than it is.
I know I'm a freak. I love it!
Did anyone else ever play Hero's Quest? It's for the PC. I could never get past the antwerp in the first 1. Never. I still think about it sometimes, and try to figure out what I was supposed to have done. The second game was so much worse, though (for me, in terms of progress). I watched a cousin beat it, but could never seem to manage myself. I liked the third one best. I think there was a fourth, but I never saw more than a couple minutes worth.
I haven't cooked for real in over a week. I want real food, but I don't want to have to go to that much effort. life is so hard.
I realized suddenly around 3 that I hadn't had any lunch and I was, in fact, starving so I went and got a sandwhich. Now I've eaten too much and feel sick. Oh well, my own fault. I knew starting on the second half that I wasn't hungry anymore and I didn't want it.
I wonder what conversation would be like if people went around saying all the things they actually want to. I wonder if it would make any sense at all.
One more little cookie left. The question is, do I save it for the final paper, or do I just eat it after the Japanese exam? Maybe the exam. I've got sekrit sekrit plans for after the final paper. Ganbatteiru~