Feb 01, 2008 18:48
Monkey is insatiable. She must always sleep on a pair of breasts, block your view of the computer and nestle just within head-kissing distance. When she nuzzles my chin expecting the kisses it just becomes unbearably cute. Until she does it for like an hour. How did I get a cat that makes ME get tired of affection?
There's so much that needs to get done to prepare for Europe that I should really start now. That way I won't flip out the first week of April. I guess the preliminaries should be worked out, including a check list of everything I need to do to get ready. So . . . what should I do to get ready? Don't talk to me about places you think I should visit, I don't care right now. I'm talking bare-bone essentials. I'm a total boob about this stuff normally and it's not like going back to the East Coast where most of the time I just throw some shit in a bag.
Begrudingly going out on a Friday night,