Back from the weekend, and Merlin. ^_~

Oct 05, 2009 16:29

So I'm back~ (Not that there was any reason for anyone to notice my absence. ^_~)

I drove to Pittsburgh to see my mom this past weekend though, and it was actually pretty nice. *nods* Got to see a play-adaptation of Crime and Punishment, which I really liked, aside from the romance aspect, which I thought was played up too much. :P I feel like I'm starting to sound like a broken record with this stuff, but... GAH. I really don't want to see romance in my C&P. :P It was a good adaptation though, overall. Really sparse set, and the whole thing was done with only three characters. *_* And it was all disjointed and non-linear, time-wise, so it made for an interesting way to tell the story. Made me want to read the book again~

We also painted the garage. :P

And then I came home, and watched Merlin!

...And then today I went to work, and got a flu shot. >_> Which really wasn't bad at all, I just hate shots. And now my arm hurts, and I think I feel kind of achy in general, but I'm probably just imagining it. >_>

Anyway. :D

I LOVED this episode! There was Morgana and magic and Mordred, and NO GWEN (really) and all those cute little MxA moments! Excellent. :D The best of the new season so far, I'd say. (Yeah, I know the options are pretty limited. :P)

But yeah, I really enjoyed this episode. I loved the part in the forest, with Merlin trying to shake Arthur off Morgana's trail--that magic fog was kind of amazing. *_* I really didn't think Merlin was going to get out of that so easily though. I was sure several times that Arthur was going to see him out there and FIGURE IT ALL OUT *gasp* @_@

But in general, I just thought it was a really good episode character-wise for Merlin, and for Morgana. I really, really, REALLY wanted him to tell her about his magic, even though I've been hoping since last season that Arthur is going to be the first one he tells, if he tells anyone. I felt so bad for him though, a few times, just because you could see how badly he wanted to tell her. ;__;

Best line? Arthur: So where are my flowers? XDDDD

And the last line was great too~ Of course Merlin wouldn't dream of hiding a thing from Arthur. <333

*happy sigh* ^_^

merlin, weekend

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