Well, I wasn't expecting much, so... :P

Oct 02, 2009 20:16

Okay, so I just watched Stargate Atlantis Season 5, Episode 16 (for the record :P), otherwise known as... Brain Storm. And since I said I'd post my thoughts, here goes. :D

Brief play-by-play, for...fun? :P

Me: *episode starts* ...Ohhh, right, I've seen this jealous!John clip. So that's what was going on here. Hmmm... *__* But hey, at least that means Rodney hasn't made a move yet, right? John would know. :P

Rodney: *makes move*

Me: Right. Yeah, this episode's going to suck. :P

Me: *various scenes progress* ....Hmm, well, this isn't SO bad. >_>

Me: Man, she's a bitch. ....And WTF, he's just taking it?? @__@

Me: .............She did NOT just clap her hands at a room full of physicists, including Stephen Hawking. >_>

And then, after a while...

Keller: *appears to be dead*

Me: DIE DIE DIE. Just freeze and die. >_>

Me: ..........Oh, come on Rodney, you'd forget about her in about an hour. >_> Or I would, at least. >_>

Rodney: *blah, blah, drivel*

Me: ....WAIT. NO. HOW DID I NOT KNOW THERE WOULD BE A KISS?! ........Clearly, people thought this would upset me and thus didn't tell me for a good reason. >_> Or maybe I have a selective memory. :P Dammit. I hate this. :P

Me: ..............

Me: *ending plane scene* Oh my god please no. Again?! GAH. TONGUE?!? NO. NO NO NO. God, stop already! *shrieks* ---> I actually did shriek several times, at the very end, while that kiss was NOT ENDING EVER. :P The cats jumped off the couch and stared at me like I'd lost my mind. :P

So um, yeah. That was... well, honestly for the most part it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be? And I mean, sure, the bad parts were kind of worse than I thought they'd be, but overall, the entire episode wasn't completely unwatchable or anything. >_>

But yeah, I don't know, it was just kind of depressing and belittling for Rodney's character more than anything, I guess. First you have him pretty much admitting that he's just taking Keller to the talk so that people won't make fun of him, and then they make fun of him anyway, and she doesn't stick up for him at all, and then she starts getting all weird and authoritative with him, and he listens to her, and then that whole humble comment, god, and it's just... I don't know, it's like, that kind of plot and that kind of dialogue would make sense if we were watching a sitcom or something? :P Like, maybe it would even be funny, with the bumbling washed-out physicist with his pretty token date showing him who's boss and all, but... The fact that they're team members and she's supposed to care about him, and is still treating him like that, it's just... not right at all. In so many ways. XD;;

I was actually kind of glad that they threw in that part at the end, where he's kind of adamant with her, "Yes, um, this is my life's work, thanks, it DOES matter >_>", but it's just... There's no way that this wouldn't have been the first thing out of his mouth at the beginning of the episode when she starts treating him like crap, you know? And I mean, I don't know if they were trying to make it that he was just kind of out of his element there at that talk, after having been from the whole physics community for so long, or something? That's kind of the only way I can think of it without him just being totally and completely OOC. -__-

And I mean, just the very thought of Rodney actually showing up at a talk like that, and being berated in front of all those people, while someone who's supposed to actually care about him just sits there and tugs at his coat so he'll sit down and shut up? That's really sad. XD;;;;


I miss John. ;__;

[/end] :P

stargate atlantis

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