A Toast to the Professor!

Jan 03, 2008 16:56

Today, 116 years ago, JRR Tolkien was born.
Without him one of the most beloved books of the world wouldn't exist, one of the best movies ever would have never been made, many wonderful pictures would have never been painted, many stories would have never been written and many amongst us would have never met.
But luckily for us he wrote The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and brought many hours and days of joy in our life.

To celebrate his birthday each year Tolkien fans around the world raise the glass at 21:00 (9 pm your local time) and toast 'The Professor'!

The Professor!

Not only was JRR Tolkien a brilliant writer and linguist, he was also a good illustrator.

Here are some of his illustrations for The Hobbit.

birthdays, literature, lord of the rings, tolkien, art

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