Originally posted by
gloriabrame at
Were you given insulin at South Nassau Hospital? http://gloriabrame.typepad.com/inside_the_mind_of_gloria/2014/03/were-you-given-insulin-at-south-nassau-hospital.html I'm posting this as a public health service because of this unique, and uniquely horrendous, screw-up.
South Nassau Communities Hospital has revealed that they accidentally exposed over 4200 patients to potential infection with HIV and/or Hepatitis C. Only 200 people thus far have responded to the hospital's snailmail outreach. They are not offering any information or support on
their website, where the tag line is "Touching lives, one patient at a time."
Well they certainly just did that. The hospital chose to ignore CDC guidelines and use insulin pens instead of single-use vials. In so doing, they've not only put 4200 people's health at risk, they have opened a Pandora's box of health implications for these people's families.
If you or someone you know was treated at this hospital with an insulin pen, you need to get tested IMMEDIATELY. Hopefully, tests will all come up negative but for now, assume the worst and take action. HIV infection can be treated with PEP but only for a very short window of time.
South Nassau Communities Hospital notifies thousands of possible blood contamination | 7online.com
NEW YORK (WABC) -- A hospital on Long Island says only about 200 people have signed up for free blood tests, after it warned more than 4,000 patients about potential exposure to HIV and hepatitis.
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