The Friday Five for 10 January 2014: Sleep

Jan 10, 2014 00:46

These questions were written by lillibet in the LJ community thefridayfive and posted there by me. :)

1. How many hours of sleep do you like to get in a night? Apparently my body wants nine whole hours a night. At nine hours, I am rested, calm, even-tempered and cheerful.
2. How many hours of sleep can you survive on indefinitely? I have gone for very long periods on seven hours a night. Any less and I get really snarly. It was wonderful to find out that's not my true personality. :)
3. Do you enjoy napping? No. I only nap when I know I had better nap or else, if you know what I mean; or when I am so exhausted that I really should be going to sleep for nine hours.
4. The average amount of time it takes a person to fall asleep is seven minutes--do you tend to need more or less time than that? When I finally turn off the lights and put my head down, I am usually asleep within what feels like seconds. It's probably three or four minutes.
5. If you were offered a pill that would enable you to sleep only two hours out of every twenty-four and remain fully functional, but you could never sleep more than that, would you take it? Assuming my body could still fully self-repair and my brain could reset itself and whatever else mysteriously happens during sleep, I would be very tempted to take it. Could I have a trial period, please?

sleep, friday five, questions

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