A Rare Reposting (Oil Spill Related)

Jul 10, 2010 13:41

I don't normally repost from elsewhere, but I definitely think this is worth looking at. I just used it to pollute my own LiveJournal page and wow. It's just an internet toy, but it's still pretty scary: http://instantoilspill.com

I need to check on the latest oil spill news. Last I read was that maybe just maybe, some new capping procedure they were going to try might STOP the spill. All of that oil is still out there running loose, but at least there was the prospect of stopping more oil from pouring out. If so, now I need to figure out who to write to and what else I can do to stop this kind of thing from happening ever again. My planet cannot take this sort of abuse.

Oh and I am keeping track of this reposted article by several different methods including linking it here: http://alobar.livejournal.com/3930209.html which is a repost of this: http://www.financialpost.com/news/Lawrence+Solomon+Avertible+catastrophe/3203808/story.html#ixzz0s386Zn7x

new orleans

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