Very Badly Written, But Probably Right On Results

Jul 07, 2010 23:07

Your result for The Secret Gender Test...
Suppressed female gender identity/very androdynous

30% Masculine and 33% Feminine!

If your got this result you'd be the the most androgynous yet femme person I have ever met. You're barely feminine enough to use the name. Your only femme because you lack masculinity... Your androgynous both physically and mentally likely and this has a profound impact upon how you view yourself. You hate traditionally gender role types, and likelihood is that you can easily or do occupy the job of the opposite gender is a point in case.

Your gender-queer by all accounts whether you identify as such or not. If you got this in err of what you thought you would get, you either don't know yourself that well, or are very young, and much so under-developed. This isn't to your disadvantage as you have a perspective that most people lose as they get older. This gives you a slight advantage in senses, and a great advantage in unpredictabliltiy that young women exhibit. This perspective allows you to date all types if you can maintain this state throughout you life, but if not, you'll convert into a type that most matches your type now.

However, if this result is correct, then the brain sex of female is most likely made from this analysis. Gender traits aren't always so cut and clean, and some people aren't aware of learned and instinctual behaviors as they are intermingled in this life. If you were born female, your a woman unlike some others, and if you were born a man, your either very subtly femininine/androgyn (behaviorally) or your a gender-queer. If you are gender-queer, your are very androgynous, and are either presenting semi-femininine or exist in an above very gender neutral presentation. You may also be considered very much more so gender-queer than others. There is also a chance you will find a balance without surgery or without even male to female transition. Either way, these aspects if I have extrapolated them appropriately from studies of human behavior means that sex aside you are a female. There is nothing wrong with that, as our brains have been structured in the manner they are for our survival. Be proud of who you are, because you should be. Remember though that gender identity is your true sexual identity, not your actual physical sex.

Take The Secret Gender Test at OkCupid


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