So, since Thursday...

Dec 20, 2009 23:28

I have baked dozens and dozens of cookies. I can't even count them all. I had 120 of the chocolate crinkles alone, but then Scott found them and started nomming on them. I have also done:

gingerbread men, women, snowmen, and bears (and they still need icing details)
Stained Glass Window cookies (which were ten shades of annoying...will not do next year. Burnt Life Savers are NOT GOOD and there is a window of about 30 seconds between 'done' and 'burnt'.)
Peanut Butter Rats
sugar cookies decoated of course)
chocolate chips (toll-house recipe, from scratch)
mint chip sugars
chocolate chip meringues
peppermint meringues (which are still in the oven for another 10 minutes or so, which is why I'm taking the time to post....and I think I screwed them up somehow, they didn't peak nicely and are just kind of...blobby. Will try again tomorrow night.
Fudge (which I also messed up, but mom said it was fixable/told me how to fix it

The last five were done mostly today (the fudge was fixed today...hopefully. It's been chilling and I have not yet attempted to cut it into bricks again).

I also did all (read: 4 loads) of the laundry, fixed and tidied random things, hunted down a bunch of songs to upload to various drives and playlists, and spent some time cuddling the kitties.

To be done tomorrow: Truffles (buttercream and peanut butter), and then I am DONE with the making of the things.

Thursday night's adventure to MD: Uneventful. Missed the turn by one road, but found a junctioin and got there on time anyway.

Friday's adventure: There...wasn't really one. I think I spent all of Friday watching movies and making cookies. Scott came home, then Rideout called and invited him over for video games. He felt bad about leaving me home by myself (like I hadn't been home all day by myself while he was at work...), so I kicked him out to go play with his friend, seeing as we were going to be snowed in all day together on Saturday (woo Blizzard of '09). He seemed to agree with my logic, as he left around 4 and didn't get home until past 10. I think I got 3 or for kinds of cookies done in his absence.

Saturday's adventure was the Blizzard...and I was wondering what blizzard I was missing when everyone kept talking about it being only like, 5 years since the last huge snowstorm. And then someone mentioned it being on President's Day weekend in 2003 and it clicked - I didn't really register that snowstorm because that was the weekend Daddy died and I guess I kind of blocked it. I remember us joking about the blizzard...Daddy loved snowglobes, and we were imagining him Upstairs, just shaking the hell out of the one shaped like the East Coast. And then the one before that was the ice storm of 96, when I was in 8th grade, got to school (via daddy), and then as I walked in the front doors, all the administrators were telling us to turn around and get back on the buses. I didn't have a bus (or a housekey, for that matter), Dave was in class, Mom was at work, and this was pre-cellphones so I couldn't call my dad and ask him to turn around. I wasn't speaking to Jessica anymore so I couldn't just walk to her house and hide there...and I remember the Politowski twins taking me home with them and just futzing around until I was able to get ahold of my dad.

Saturday night, we went across the street to Bob and Robin's for their holiday shindig...out of the 50 some people they were expecting, all of 8 werein attendance (including Bob and Robin) because of the State of Emergency. (Bob's direct neighbors from either side were there too). Food, liquor, and a fantastic tour of his art and instrument collection were in store for us...and we really do have some neat neighbors here. He has a lot of signed artwork and original artwork and it's all just really...neat. He let us play on the pinball machine in his basement and he let me try his accordion. Bahahaha. I can now say that I can play the accordion...managed to eke some Christmas carols out of it.

Sunday's adventure...I was so productive today because I wanted to get to the 'wrap gifts' part of my to-do list....I didn't, but I got pretty much everything else done, which was nice. Rideout came and stole Scott again...he'd answered an ad on Craigslist to buy a snowblower from some bloke in MD who lives about 2 hours away. They left at 10am to go fetch it and Rideout said 'be back at 2 or 3'. Well...5:00 comes and goes and I start getting worried (it's getting dark, ice is starting to form, are they lost, are they in a ditch, etc.) Posted my worries on FB and a friend from college who's a police officer in MD offered to check the boards to see if there was an accident with his vehicle and stuff. Every time I tried to call Scott on his cell, it went straight to voicemail (he doesn't charge his phone every day), which meant it was dead and I didn't have Rideout's number (or Jen's number to ask her to call the guys and make sure they were OK). Just after 6, they come strolling in and I started on Scott to get him to memorize my number (because he knew I'd be getting worried). Scolded, fed, and then sent them out to gas my car up and fetch me more eggs and confectioner's sugar (which I'll need for the gingerbread icing and the buttercream truffles). All was forgiven at this point and I fed the hubby some more.

And now....onto the next adventure!

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