Good things CAN come out of Food_Porn

Feb 13, 2008 18:32

Today, we had our bake sale for the Relay for Life, which is quite probably the most popular charity of all the charitable stuff we do at work. The organizers are real go-getters--they have soft pretzel sales and PTO and gift basket raffles and such, and they generally, over the course of the year, pull in a good bit of cash for the cause.

One of the organizers had actually sought me out to bake something for the sale (I hadn't done it on my own because I didn't know whether time or energy would allow), by saying, "I hear that there is something that you bake--I can't remember what I was told it was right at the moment--that is absolutely out of this world, and I was wondering if you would bake some for the sale on Wednesday...."

Yeah, like I'm going to turn someone down who comes to my desk and pins me to the wall with a request, yes?

So anyhoo, yesterday, while it was snowing and Paul was sleeping the sleep of the very drugged, I made The Muffins. Capital letters. Yes.

I insist that you go and make mellybrelly's Banana Nut Muffins immediately.

Go on, I'll wait.

Seriously, this is the very best banana muffin recipe EVAR, and it never fails to leave huge puddles of once-human goo wherever they have been consumed.

I think it's the brown sugar that does it, but really--it's got a lot of banana, too, and if you wait until the bananas are really ripe, they are VERY banana-y.

I diddle the recipe a bit for public consumption, because, well, we know how some people are about nuts, and I didn't want to cause any anaphylactic issues for anyone too moronic to actually read the label and realize that there are actual NUTS in the recipe (walnuts or pecans are OUTSTANDING in these), so I replace the nuts with an equal amount of butterscotch chips. WITH the chocolate chips.



In any case, they were gone by 11 AM, and 24 of these little beauties earned $12 for the Relay for Life (I put two in each package, because, really--you can't eat just one!).

I didn't get any, but it was nice to know that I spent the time and denied myself the pleasure for a good cause.

But really--go make some.

You deserve it.

food, muffins, chocolate, bananas

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