On Friday, Barb The Home Care Nurse (she takes care of both Mother AND me at this point) called me from Mom and Dad's house to let me know that Mom was running a fever of 101.6. Their doctor's office was closed for the day (which is a whole 'NOTHER issue, that may or may not be expanded upon later), and Mother was so weak that she probably could
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Yes, he does not realize how much he cannot do because, in his mind's eye, he is still as capable as he was even five years ago. That is what makes this transition so very, very difficult ( ... )
I have a request in to them for brochures, and want to take advantage of a tour for them. I think that once they are able to SEE it, they will see the advantages. But it's getting from here to there, mentally, that will be the challenge.
As far as I know, the kitchenette is not fully equipped, but definitely suitable for coffee pots and microwaves, so they'd be able to fix little things for themselves. But if you look at the "Food and Dining" page, it looks to me like one of the dining halls and/or one of the cafes are able to provide food from snacks to high end. And you can make reservations online, so you may not even need to be a resident to eat there!
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