Political leanings...

Sep 08, 2005 20:23

I just have one comment on recent political goings on in the wake of Katrina. Now is not the time to get on the fucking people who are trying to help. Even if they did screw up. Even if they are screwups at heart and in a great many things. Seriously, Democrats (and you too Republicans): shut the fuck up and focus on saving as many people as you can. Once you've done that and those people are taken care of, you can get back to your eternal bickering (or you could do us all a favor and shut the fuck up... imagine that. Most of us don't want to hear the ultra conservative, religious-laced, seperation of church and state violating, bigotted, racist, elitist bullshit coming out of the Republican camp. And I know none of us wants to hear any more from those pot-smoking, draft-dodger-loving, I'll-support-a-cause-if-it'll-get-me-elected, morally challenged, 'I'm-rich-but-I-am-here-to-represent-your-interests-my-dear-poor-people' idiot Democrats. So, again, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. And yes, I mean you too, Hillary 'The Retard' Clinton.)

In case you're wondering, no, I'm not a radical. Not a liberal either. Or a conservative. I don't like either party. I consider myself a patriot and support the ideals (the Constitution and the Bill of Rights) of America. It's too bad that all was hijacked and made a mockery of in the past century or so.

Now. Back to the people saving. Donate, people. Donate, donate, donate. Do everything you can.
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